addCameraSceneNodeMaya problem

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addCameraSceneNodeMaya problem

Post by digfarenough »

maya cameras don't seem to respond to setPosition.. has anyone else had this problem?

i.e. open up tutorial 4 and replace the line that makes the camera with this:

Code: Select all

scene::ICameraSceneNode* camera = 0;
camera = smgr->addCameraSceneNodeFPS(0, 100.0f, 100.0f);
camera->setPosition(core::vector3df(10, 10, 10));
you'll see that the blocks are right at the bottom of the screen

then change addCameraSceneNodeFPS to addCameraSceneNodeMaya and although the position you're setting remains the same, the camera stays at its default position

there's also a bug with zooming with the maya camera that is harder to describe but sometimes it refuses to let you zoom in, just bouncing back after a small movement.. my guess is it relates to the if (nZoom < 0) conditionals in CCameraMayaSceneNode.cpp, but I haven't gone through all of that to see what exactly the problem is yet
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