This is a really stupid question,but how can I do it?
When I write
or something like that,the effect is not that I had expected!
No,I need this action to be done in dynamic way!
We got a point in 3d space-we make the camera to face it.
Another point-the same camera-the same action...
How this can be done?
Code please!!!
what is the result you expect and what is the actual result?
camera->setTarget(core::vector3d(10,10,10)) should leave the camera in the same position but suddenly change it's direction so the point (10,10,10) is right in the middle of the camera's view
I have tested it and it works fine for me with a normal camera scene node (I haven't tried it with an FPS or Maya camera)
are you sure that the point (10,10,10) is the right point? for instance, try adding a test scene node and putting it at that position, then seeing if camera->setTarget points the camera to it or not