devsh wrote:hendu wrote:Without runtime detection, you'd have to ship two binaries. Hardly an improvement.
if you're so worried why dont you get some proper tools like the Intel compiler?
the intel compiler is definitely not the "proper" tool as it does not detect only the cpu capabilities but also the brand of the cpu and discriminate against non intel cpu even if they have the capabilities
Darktib wrote:
- and finally: use CMake for the build script. notably don't put everything in the /source/Irrlicht subfolder, this is quite messy
if oh please no CMake is a pain it infects every project it touches and after that they become non portable you lose the ability to use your compiler specific flags as cmake re run every damned time you wan to compile and it overwrite your project files so you need to ask all mighty cmake to swich your optimization flags or switch between x64 and x86 and if the original project creator did not think about the specific flag you are trying to use you get screwed for good
-collisions need to stay even if only for picking as i'm definitely not pushing and removing 110k object into and out of bullet or any physic engine only to allow for picking one of them ..... and as stated they are great for prototyping
-sse vectors are a must my personal implementation allow me to use 110k scenenode around 100 fps in in my galaxy viewer and it's not nearly optimized enough I still make use of a lot of set functions
- improvements on the gui would be great ideally batching and/or hardware buffer storage for mostly static elements would be great
-and bonus working DX drivers rightnow they are a mess the DX9 driver is a mess because it relies on the camps viewer that has been depreciated since dx8 as such every time you try to do something you never know if the engine will do it or if a random caps will prevent you ...
most of the other feature I need i'm trying to push them in the shader-pipeline branch