Nice way to "explode"/kill units?

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Nice way to "explode"/kill units?

Post by suliman »

When i blow up vehicles/buildings in my aircraft game i just create some particle effects such as smoke, flames etc. Is there a easy way to use the mesh itself to make some "explosion" effect or would i need to animate and make completely new meshes for that?

Im thinking along the lines of older 3d games where the triangles opens up and becomes "shrapnel" themselves. That or any other idea to make vehicles/structures destruct in a nicer way is appriciated!

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Re: Nice way to "explode"/kill units?

Post by Asimov »

Hi Suliman,

Personally I would just swap the model.

Take your model into 3ds max and cut it into chunks. Make an explosion and at that point swap the model to the one you cut up in max, and then animate the pieces flying out. If you particles obliterate your model for a second that is the time to swap the model to the one in bits.

PS would love to see your particle code for the explosions. I have to create fire in my game and I haven't got a clue at the moment, and yet I know how to use the particle system in 3ds max like the back of my hand LOL.
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Re: Nice way to "explode"/kill units?

Post by Granyte »

Well if you wanna go static destruction Asimov way is the right one

but if you feel adventurous bullet has a voronoi shatter example that break meshes in pieces dynamically and with a little tweaking it could be used to make it look like the breaking origin was the impact point or something
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Re: Nice way to "explode"/kill units?

Post by suliman »

Yeah i guessed so but that will be too much work for me (to animate all models).
The explosion effect is nothing fancy, i just use a burst particle emmision, in three layers
1. White smoke
2. "Chunks" flying out
3. Flame-like particles in the middle of the blast.

It looks ok but not so great. I would love to have multiplied/replace colors in the particles (now only additive colors are supported AFAIK that lighten upp the color already on screen). There is no way to add "dark smoke" from chimneys etc.

That seems complicated but i might look into it!
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