I changed the Burnings draw2DRectangle( four-corners coloring ) function to be accurate in the gradient color, and it looks very nice. This is good for if you want to use it for color-selection gradients (as I'm using it for). On the downside, it's slower (I didn't run an FPS check, but it's rather obvious when using a GUI skin), even after I inlined the color interpolation.
Anyone think they can optimize it, let me know. Here's the code I have so far (certain things have been left in but commented out so you can see the logic):
Code: Select all
//!Draws an 2d rectangle with a gradient.
void CBurningVideoDriver::draw2DRectangle(const core::rect<s32>& position,
SColor colorLeftUp, SColor colorRightUp, SColor colorLeftDown, SColor colorRightDown,
const core::rect<s32>* clip)
if ( !RenderTargetSurface )
// Done in setRenderTarget
//RenderTargetSize = RenderTargetSurface->getDimension();
core::rect<s32> realClip( position );
if ( clip )
if ( !realClip.isValid() )
// Rectangle bounds given by %
u32 x0 = (u32) ( realClip.UpperLeftCorner.X < 0 ? 0 : realClip.UpperLeftCorner.X );
u32 y0 = (u32) ( realClip.UpperLeftCorner.Y < 0 ? 0 : realClip.UpperLeftCorner.Y );
u32 x100 = (u32)realClip.LowerRightCorner.X < RenderTargetSize.Width ? (u32)realClip.LowerRightCorner.X : RenderTargetSize.Width-1;
u32 y100 = (u32)realClip.LowerRightCorner.Y < RenderTargetSize.Height ? (u32)realClip.LowerRightCorner.Y : RenderTargetSize.Height-1;
u32 x, y, w, h, rx, ry, rw, rh;
f32 ryh, rxw;
w = x100 - x0; // render area width
h = y100 - y0; // render area height
//s32 flatAlpha, flatRed, flatGreen, flatBlue;
/* The rectangle colors should be drawn as though the rectangle were the same size,
even if part of it is clipped. */
rw = position.getWidth(); // real width
rh = position.getHeight(); // real height
u32 colorLeftUpColor = colorLeftUp.color;
u32 colorLeftDownColor = colorLeftDown.color;
u32 colorRightUpColor = colorRightUp.color;
u32 colorRightDownColor = colorRightDown.color;
//SColor pixelColor; = colorLeftUp;
u32 pixelColor;
//SColor leftColor, rightColor;
u32 leftColor, rightColor;
tVideoSample* dst; // render target surface (just a pointer to a u32 array of size RenderTargetSize)
ry = position.UpperLeftCorner.Y < 0 ? (u32)( position.UpperLeftCorner.Y * -1 ) : 0;
for ( ; y < h ; y++ )
ryh = (f32)ry/(f32)rh;
//leftColor = colorLeftDown.getInterpolated( colorLeftUp, (f32)ry/(f32)rh );
leftColor =
( (u32( (colorLeftDownColor>>24)*ryh + (colorLeftUpColor>>24)*(1.f-ryh) )) << 24 )
+ ( (u32( ((colorLeftDownColor>>16) & 0xff)*ryh + ((colorLeftUpColor>>16) & 0xff)*(1.f-ryh) )) << 16 )
+ ( (u32( ((colorLeftDownColor>>8) & 0xff)*ryh + ((colorLeftUpColor>>8) & 0xff)*(1.f-ryh) )) << 8 )
+ ( u32( (colorLeftDownColor & 0xff)*ryh + (colorLeftUpColor & 0xff)*(1.f-ryh) ) );
//rightColor = colorRightDown.getInterpolated( colorRightUp, (f32)ry/(f32)rh );
rightColor =
( (u32( (colorRightDownColor>>24)*ryh + (colorRightUpColor>>24)*(1.f-ryh) )) << 24 )
+ ( (u32( ((colorRightDownColor>>16) & 0xff)*ryh + ((colorRightUpColor>>16) & 0xff)*(1.f-ryh) )) << 16 )
+ ( (u32( ((colorRightDownColor>>8) & 0xff)*ryh + ((colorRightUpColor>>8) & 0xff)*(1.f-ryh) )) << 8 )
+ ( u32( (colorRightDownColor & 0xff)*ryh + (colorRightUpColor & 0xff)*(1.f-ryh) ) );
// left and right side
//RenderTargetSurface->setPixel( x0, y + y0, leftColor, false );
//RenderTargetSurface->setPixel( x100, y + y0, rightColor, false );
dst = (tVideoSample*)RenderTargetSurface->lock() + (y+y0)*RenderTargetSize.Width + x0;
dst[0] = (tVideoSample)leftColor; //.color;
dst[w-1] = (tVideoSample)rightColor; //.color;
x = 1;
rx = position.UpperLeftCorner.X < 0 ? (u32)( position.UpperLeftCorner.X * -1 ) : 0;
for ( ; x < w-1; x++ )
rxw = (f32)x/(f32)rw;
//pixelColor = rightColor.getInterpolated( leftColor, (f32)rx/(f32)rw );
pixelColor =
( (u32( (rightColor>>24)*rxw + (leftColor>>24)*(1.f-rxw) )) << 24 )
+ ( (u32( ((rightColor>>16) & 0xff)*rxw + ((leftColor>>16) & 0xff)*(1.f-rxw) )) << 16 )
+ ( (u32( ((rightColor>>8) & 0xff)*rxw + ((leftColor>>8) & 0xff)*(1.f-rxw) )) << 8 )
+ ( u32( (rightColor & 0xff)*rxw + (leftColor & 0xff)*(1.f-rxw) ) );
//RenderTargetSurface->setPixel( x + x0, y + y0, pixelColor, false ); // <-- Reeeally slow
dst[x] = (tVideoSample)pixelColor; //.color;
//RenderTargetSurface->unlock(); // unnecessary for Burnings
What I suppose I could do is make it optional by setting a video driver flag (now that I know about those, DOH!), but I'd rather make it faster if possible.