All work fine... now im working on details as well as on mechanics...
But where?
Here is a screenshot, any idea for upgrade this scene? (I was thinking to a blur effect? would be a solution? or maybe changing the skybox? or idk...)

Code: Select all
#include <ImageMixer>
IMAGE_MIXER_START(955,564); //just the size of final image. Loaded images will be scaled accordingly
Image im1, im2;
Channel A,B,C,D;
A = im2.getLuminance(); //get luminance of skybox image.
B = im1.getLuminance(); //get luminance of the perlin noise
Mask T;
T = (A<0.85); //we select areas wich are not very bright (stars sould not be modulated)
///Modulating the image means that you have to TUNE the perlin noise for example by
float f = 30; //frequency. High values means "more curves".
B=(sin(B*f)+1)/2; //sinus lies between -1 and 1. so we add 1 to let it lying between 0 and 2.
//and then we divide by 2 to let it lying between 0 and 1 like a standard color channel.
B= (B+0.5)*0.75; // we brighten a bit B else is too dark.
B.clamp(); //we want 1 as maximum value and 0 as minimum.
//modulate all channels.
//always prefer Bitmap since has good quality. then use GIMP to save as JPG if you want"brightness.bmp"); //we save aso brightness to see how much bright the image was."modulatedSKYBOX.bmp");
Ummm nice idea... but the stardust everywhere feels more like i wantstars should have rays only near/inside nebulas (unless you are assuming some stardast everywhere wich is also ok.)
Blur effects ... i think should be enough? ive searched in forum but the solution offered not works .... ( Yes I dont know how to use shaders T.T so i need to learn hardly)Beveling the edges of the ship could work too
Oh yeah i didnt thinking this nice idea... I try search in forum or write somethingyou can add lensflares to the engines of the ship
Yeah an error ... its due to a planetary ring... i was using PNG-ALPHA TRANSPARENT -> bad results (all edges were white)... actually with an ADD_TRASPARENT and using balck instead of alpha transparency works fine... all white lines around the edges are removed and looks better...There is a strange horizontal line in the screenshot (maybe is the trail of a star so it is ok)
Shininess = 40.0f.... and make a nice resultAdd metallic refluections to the ship.
Isnt better to change skybox directly?... just work a bit on Photoshop, using a free image from internet, modifing where necessary...Image Mixer
If you turn the camera the stars moves... having thousands billboards isnt a great solution...moving stars/comets in the background instead of a static skybox
That is where point sprites fit best... having thousands billboards isnt a great solution...
I don't want to disagree with anyone else but the first things I look at in that screenshot is all about the lighting.MasterKira wrote:Ok im programming a space simulator.
All work fine... now im working on details as well as on mechanics...
But where?
Here is a screenshot, any idea for upgrade this scene? (I was thinking to a blur effect? would be a solution? or maybe changing the skybox? or idk...)
In both star wars and battlestar galactica the ships often fly in planetary atmospheres.Asimov wrote:Another example: Star Wars and Battlestar Galactica. Why do the spaceships have wings? Wings are only of ever any use if you have an atmosphere to push against a wing.