How can I make this in fewer lines?

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How can I make this in fewer lines?

Post by AlexAzazel »

This is the first thing I wrote by myself and it works to my surprise. My goal was to move camera on horizontal plane along some particular vector2d<f32> direction; with W A S D. I did it like this

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if (receiver->IsKeyDown(KEY_KEY_W))
    core::vector3df camPos = camera->getPosition();
    core::vector3df camTar = camera->getTarget();
    const f32 Xupdate = (f32)speed * deltaTime*direction.X;
    const f32 Yupdate = (f32)speed * deltaTime*direction.Y;
    camPos.X += Xupdate; camPos.Z += Yupdate;
    camTar.X += Xupdate; camTar.Z += Yupdate;
I did the corresponding thing for A S and D too but it's irrelevant for now I think.

Is this the best way to do this or can it be simplified in terms of code or optimized in terms of speed/memory?

And one side question, why did I have to update camPos.Z and camTar.Z instead of .Y for it to work?
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Re: How can I make this in fewer lines?

Post by CuteAlien »

Looks ok to me. It's Z because Y is probably up. If you want it along x/y instead then make sure the camera target has the same z as camera position and differs in y instead. And set the camera up-vector to z-up (default is y up).

Speed/memory for this won't matter. You are just updating a single camera once per frame, that's not something expensive.
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Re: How can I make this in fewer lines?

Post by Mel »

Believe me, there are worse stuff out there than just writting too much :D

If you want a more unified solution, perhaps, you could check all your keys at once and update some variables regarding them, and later, construct a single direction to move the camera using that information.

If you want to move horizontally, you move on the X and Z axes. To move vertically, move on the Y axis.
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