Is there a way to enable anti-aliasing for rendering to a render target texture?
I've enabled anti aliasing both in the material and in the device creation parameters, but the anti aliasing does not work with the render target.
Anti-Aliasing with RenderTarget
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- Joined: Tue Jan 15, 2013 6:36 pm
Re: Anti-Aliasing with RenderTarget
I believe I read somewhere with dx9 you have to do it manually or something along those lines. Not sure what your using though.
Re: Anti-Aliasing with RenderTarget
The antialiasing doesn't work on rendertargets under DX9 or GL at all. There is a way though, to draw a solved multisampled backbuffer to a texture so you can have a rendertarget with MSAA, look for stretchRect on DX9 and DMA memory transfer on GL, (i think). But your best shot is to use an antialiasing post process. FXAA is capable of performing AA on a single rendertarget without any aditional information. It is not the best as MSAA would be, but works fairly well.
"There is nothing truly useless, it always serves as a bad example". Arthur A. Schmitt
Re: Anti-Aliasing with RenderTarget
We actually hacked this in for DX9 in Octodad. Although some nvidia drivers seem to have a weird dithered screendoor MSAA which I couldn't figure out (still looks better than no AA tho). Here are the changes I made:
Then you can create an MSAA rendertarget texture like so:
Code: Select all
// Add ETCF_MSAA_RENDERTARGET to the enum E_TEXTURE_CREATION_FLAG so we dont have to modify every Texture constructor
//! Allow the Driver to use Non-Power-2-Textures
/** BurningVideo can handle Non-Power-2 Textures in 2D (GUI), but not in 3D. */
ETCF_ALLOW_NON_POWER_2 = 0x00000040,
// If the driver supports, create MSAA render target
/** This flag is never used, it only forces the compiler to compile
these enumeration values to 32 bit. */
ETCF_FORCE_32_BIT_DO_NOT_USE = 0x7fffffff
Code: Select all
//add a member variable;
Code: Select all
@@ -34,12 +34,16 @@ CD3D9Texture::CD3D9Texture(CD3D9Driver* driver, co
const io::path& name, const ECOLOR_FORMAT format)
: ITexture(name), Texture(0), RTTSurface(0), Driver(driver), DepthSurface(0),
TextureSize(size), ImageSize(size), Pitch(0), ColorFormat(ECF_UNKNOWN),
- HasMipMaps(false), HardwareMipMaps(false), IsRenderTarget(true)
#ifdef _DEBUG
+ if (driver->getTextureCreationFlag(video::ETCF_MSAA_RENDERTARGET))
+ Samples = (D3DMULTISAMPLE_TYPE)driver->Params.AntiAlias;
if (Device)
@@ -138,15 +239,30 @@ void CD3D9Texture::createRenderTarget(const ECOLOR
// create texture
- hr = Device->CreateTexture(
- TextureSize.Width,
- TextureSize.Height,
- 1, // mip map level count, we don't want mipmaps here
- d3dformat,
- &Texture,
- NULL);
+ if (Samples > 0)
+ {
+ hr = Device->CreateRenderTarget(
+ TextureSize.Width,
+ TextureSize.Height,
+ d3dformat,
+ Samples,
+ 0,
+ false,
+ &RTTSurface,
+ NULL);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ hr = Device->CreateTexture(
+ TextureSize.Width,
+ TextureSize.Height,
+ 1, // mip map level count, we don't want mipmaps here
+ d3dformat,
+ &Texture,
+ NULL);
+ }
if (FAILED(hr))
@@ -657,14 +849,22 @@ IDirect3DSurface9* CD3D9Texture::getRenderTargetSu
if (!IsRenderTarget)
return 0;
- IDirect3DSurface9 *pRTTSurface = 0;
- if (Texture)
- Texture->GetSurfaceLevel(0, &pRTTSurface);
+ if (Samples > 0)
+ {
+ return RTTSurface;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ IDirect3DSurface9 *pRTTSurface = 0;
+ if (Texture)
+ Texture->GetSurfaceLevel(0, &pRTTSurface);
- if (pRTTSurface)
- pRTTSurface->Release();
+ if (pRTTSurface)
+ pRTTSurface->Release();
- return pRTTSurface;
+ return pRTTSurface;
+ }
Code: Select all
@@ -1581,6 +1604,23 @@ void CD3D9Driver::draw2DImage(const video::ITextur
+ // if drawing MSAA render texture to screen use StretchRect instead of actually drawing
+ if (texture->isRenderTarget() && ((CD3D9Texture*)texture)->Samples > 0)
+ {
+ IDirect3DSurface9* backBuffer = NULL;
+ IDirect3DSurface9* currentRenderTarget = NULL;
+ pID3DDevice->GetBackBuffer(0, 0, D3DBACKBUFFER_TYPE_MONO, &backBuffer);
+ pID3DDevice->GetRenderTarget(0, ¤tRenderTarget);
+ if (backBuffer == currentRenderTarget && ((CD3D9Texture*)texture)->RTTSurface && ((CD3D9Texture*)texture)->RTTSurface != currentRenderTarget)
+ {
+ // copy rendertarget to backbuffer
+ pID3DDevice->StretchRect(((CD3D9Texture*)texture)->RTTSurface, NULL, backBuffer, NULL, D3DTEXF_NONE);
+ backBuffer->Release();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
const core::dimension2d<u32>& ss = texture->getOriginalSize();
core::rect<f32> tcoords;
tcoords.UpperLeftCorner.X = (f32)sourceRect.UpperLeftCorner.X / (f32)ss.Width;
@@ -1803,6 +1843,23 @@ void CD3D9Driver::draw2DImage(const video::ITextur
if (!sourceRect.isValid())
+ // if drawing MSAA render texture to screen use StretchRect instead of actually drawing
+ if (texture->isRenderTarget() && ((CD3D9Texture*)texture)->Samples > 0)
+ {
+ IDirect3DSurface9* backBuffer = NULL;
+ IDirect3DSurface9* currentRenderTarget = NULL;
+ pID3DDevice->GetBackBuffer(0, 0, D3DBACKBUFFER_TYPE_MONO, &backBuffer);
+ pID3DDevice->GetRenderTarget(0, ¤tRenderTarget);
+ if (backBuffer == currentRenderTarget && ((CD3D9Texture*)texture)->RTTSurface && ((CD3D9Texture*)texture)->RTTSurface != currentRenderTarget)
+ {
+ // copy rendertarget to backbuffer
+ pID3DDevice->StretchRect(((CD3D9Texture*)texture)->RTTSurface, NULL, backBuffer, NULL, D3DTEXF_NONE);
+ backBuffer->Release();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
if (!setActiveTexture(0, const_cast<video::ITexture*>(texture)))
@@ -2977,7 +3040,10 @@ bool CD3D9Driver::reset()
// so take first one
if (((CD3D9Texture*)(Textures[j].Surface))->DepthSurface==DepthBuffers[i])
- ((CD3D9Texture*)(Textures[j].Surface))->Texture->GetLevelDesc(0,&desc2);
+ if (((CD3D9Texture*)(Textures[j].Surface))->Samples > 0)
+ ((CD3D9Texture*)(Textures[j].Surface))->RTTSurface->GetDesc(&desc2);
+ else
+ ((CD3D9Texture*)(Textures[j].Surface))->Texture->GetLevelDesc(0,&desc2);
@@ -3256,7 +3322,15 @@ ITexture* CD3D9Driver::addRenderTargetTexture(cons
CD3D9Texture* tex = new CD3D9Texture(this, size, name, format);
if (tex)
- if (!tex->Texture)
+ if (tex->Samples > 0)
+ {
+ if (!tex->RTTSurface)
+ {
+ tex->drop();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (!tex->Texture)
return 0;
@@ -3516,12 +3590,15 @@ void CD3D9Driver::checkDepthBuffer(ITexture* tex)
!queryFeature(EVDF_TEXTURE_NSQUARE), true);
SDepthSurface* depth=0;
core::dimension2du destSize(0x7fffffff, 0x7fffffff);
- for (u32 i=0; i<DepthBuffers.size(); ++i)
+ for (u32 i=1; i<DepthBuffers.size(); ++i)
if ((DepthBuffers[i]->Size.Width>=optSize.Width) &&
- if ((DepthBuffers[i]->Size.Width<destSize.Width) &&
+ DepthBuffers[i]->Surface->GetDesc(&desc);
+ if (desc.MultiSampleType == ((CD3D9Texture*)tex)->Samples && (DepthBuffers[i]->Size.Width<destSize.Width) &&
depth = DepthBuffers[i];
@@ -3535,7 +3612,12 @@ void CD3D9Driver::checkDepthBuffer(ITexture* tex)
// the multisampling needs to match the RTT
- ((CD3D9Texture*)tex)->Texture->GetLevelDesc(0,&desc2);
+ // If multisampled use RTTSurface because Texture is 0
+ if (((CD3D9Texture*)tex)->Samples > 0)
+ ((CD3D9Texture*)tex)->RTTSurface->GetDesc(&desc2);
+ else
+ ((CD3D9Texture*)tex)->Texture->GetLevelDesc(0,&desc2);
DepthBuffers.push_back(new SDepthSurface());
HRESULT hr=pID3DDevice->CreateDepthStencilSurface(optSize.Width,
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driver->setTextureCreationFlag(ETCF_MSAA_RENDERTARGET, true);
ScreenRTT = driver->addRenderTargetTexture(ScreenRTTSize, "screenRTT");
driver->setTextureCreationFlag(ETCF_MSAA_RENDERTARGET, false);
Last edited by devonsoft on Mon Jun 13, 2016 5:11 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Re: Anti-Aliasing with RenderTarget
OpenGL is similar, the code I have for that is older but the right way would be to add the Mutlisample renderbuffer extensions to the opengl extension handler wrapper and s32 Samples to the COpenGLFBOTexture as well and then do this in the COpenGLFBOTexture constructor:
same for COpenGLFBODepthTexture constructor
To draw the MSAA texture you have to resolve it into a non MSAA texture like this (**I think**, we only did this for borderless window on linux not random size render textures. could handle this in the texture itself by keeping two textures or two textures inside the COpenGLDriver)
Code: Select all
if (Samples > 0)
#if defined(GL_ARB_framebuffer_object) || defined(GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample)
Driver->extGlGenFramebuffers( 1, &ColorFrameBuffer );
Driver->extGlGenRenderbuffers(1, &ColorRenderBuffer);
Driver->extGlBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, ColorRenderBuffer);
Driver->extGlRenderbufferStorageMultisample(GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, Samples, InternalFormat, ImageSize.Width, ImageSize.Height);
#ifdef _DEBUG
// attach color renderbuffer to frame buffer
#ifdef _DEBUG
#ifdef GL_EXT_framebuffer_object
// generate frame buffer
Driver->extGlGenFramebuffers(1, &ColorFrameBuffer);
Code: Select all
#ifdef GL_EXT_framebuffer_object
// generate depth buffer
Driver->extGlGenRenderbuffers(1, &DepthRenderBuffer);
Driver->extGlBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, DepthRenderBuffer);
#if defined(GL_ARB_framebuffer_object) || defined(GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample)
if (Samples > 0)
Driver->extGlRenderbufferStorageMultisample(GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, Samples, Driver->getZBufferBits(), ImageSize.Width, ImageSize.Height);
Driver->getZBufferBits(), ImageSize.Width,
Code: Select all
// Resolve RenderTarget into FinalTexture
extGlBindFramebuffer(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, AAFinalTexture->ColorFrameBuffer);
extGlBindFramebuffer(GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, AARenderTarget->ColorFrameBuffer);
extGLBlitFramebuffer(0, 0, AARenderTarget->getSize().Width, AARenderTarget->getSize().Height, 0, 0, AAFinalTexture->getSize().Width, AAFinalTexture->getSize().Height, GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, GL_NEAREST);
// Draw Final Texture to screen buffer
extGlBindFramebuffer(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, 0);
extGlBindFramebuffer(GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, AAFinalTexture->ColorFrameBuffer);
extGLBlitFramebuffer(0, 0, AAFinalTexture->getSize().Width, AAFinalTexture->getSize().Height, 0, 0, ScreenSize.Width, ScreenSize.Height, GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, GL_NEAREST);
extGlBindFramebuffer( GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, 0 );
- Posts: 3
- Joined: Fri Jun 17, 2016 10:17 am
Re: Anti-Aliasing with RenderTarget
Great! I can confirm this works.
One thing though: in draw2DImage, no need to limit StretchRect to the backbuffer, you can copy from the MSAA texture to a non-MSAA target as well. So no real need to query what the current backbuffer is, just let the user set their other/new rendertarget and call draw2DImage.
Now checking if I can get the OpenGL version to work![Very Happy :D](./images/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif)
Great! I can confirm this works.
One thing though: in draw2DImage, no need to limit StretchRect to the backbuffer, you can copy from the MSAA texture to a non-MSAA target as well. So no real need to query what the current backbuffer is, just let the user set their other/new rendertarget and call draw2DImage.
Now checking if I can get the OpenGL version to work
![Very Happy :D](./images/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif)