Change FB resolution without resetting

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Re: Change FB resolution without resetting

Post by robmar »

Its slow maybe because its rendering 4 million primitives each frame, with pixel lighting and soft shadows.
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Re: Change FB resolution without resetting

Post by Cube_ »

that sounds like it could be optimized pretty easily (4M is almost always possible to reduce drastically)
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Re: Change FB resolution without resetting

Post by robmar »

Its already fully optimised to the point quality is lost... and the meshes are all up in the GPU for rendering.
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Re: Change FB resolution without resetting

Post by Cube_ »

oh well, then back to my initial recommendation - profile the code, see what takes a long time (if I'd wager a guess: soft shadows or transparency) and see if it can be made faster.

4M tris in itself isn't necessarily a bad thing, I push significantly more on my rather ancient HD5770 so blech.
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Re: Change FB resolution without resetting

Post by robmar »

What takes time is for the GPU to do the rendering of 4 or 5 million primitives!

I don't think its a problem in the code, simply the volume of primitives for the GPU to handle, and run the pixel shader.

Its also not my pixel shader, as if I select the default renderer, its not much faster.

The shadow map takes almost as long to render as the scene, which is to be expected as its usually a similar number of visible primitives.

The delay is in the render call of the GPU-preloaded mesh.

Have you ever tried to render 4 million primitives and seen that the GPU takes time to do that?

Render a model/s with 4 million primitives with your code and tell me what frame rate you get, and on what CPU/GPU!
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