Thanks! The framerate would probably also depend on how many polygons there are.
If you meant the light acting on the Empty Background, then that's simple to fix by something like..
Code: Select all
if (DepthLinearised < 0.9 )
{gl_FragColor = vec4(Specular * 1.0, 1.0);
// Or Diffuse..
// I now have them in separate passes because
// Diffuse must be MULTIPLIED and
// Specular must be ADDED..
Also I Multiply the final output with SSAO just for a bit of realism..
Anyhow, I'm trying to get the Near Plane worked into it too (For an even more accurate Fragpos)..
As for the speed of the whole process, well my coding ain't that great
but I'm sure that the "concept" with good coding and GPU assembly can
produce some cool framerates.. (they're better for me already)
Here's a shot of the light not acting on the backdrop..