Basically, what i want to do is render one texture with alpha channel over another in the same Material something like on the snippet below. But in that case i have my overlay texture displayed with black color in places where there should be transparent. So i added buffer_side->Material.MaterialType = EMT_TRANSPARENT_ALPHA_CHANNEL. This allows me to display my overlay texture with correct transparency but there is no texture under this one. How can I achieve such effect where overlay texture have transparent places and there is another visible texture under it?
In irrlicht, this is most suited for a shader. You need to read tex0 and tex1 and then, add them like this: tex0.rgb*(1-tex1.a) + tex1.rgb*tex1.a, where tex0 is your base texture and tex1 your overlay
"There is nothing truly useless, it always serves as a bad example". Arthur A. Schmitt