I figured it would be a bit difficult to pull PRS out of the matrix. I started looking into how shaders work.
I found this vertex shader that will hopefully get me started.
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uniform mat4 bones[100];
uniform int use_skinning;
void main(void)
mat4 mfinal = gl_ModelViewMatrix;
// skinning
vec3 weights= gl_Color.xyz;
vec3 boneid = gl_Vertex.w * vec3( 1.0/128.0 , 1.0 , 128.0 );
boneid = (boneid - floor(boneid))*128.0;
mat4 mskin = bones[int(boneid.x)]*weights.x+
mfinal = mfinal * mskin;
gl_Position = gl_ProjectionMatrix * mfinal * vec4(gl_Vertex.xyz,1.0);
Simple pass-through fragment shader (just displays an unlit, presumably untextured, model)
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#version 330
uniform sampler2D tex;
uniform vec2 tex_size;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 out_color;
void main()
vec4 in_color = texture(tex, gl_FragCoord.xy / tex_size);
out_color = in_color;
Now we convert from OZZ Matrix4x4 to IRR matrix4
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// Convert from OZZ Float4x4 into IRR matrix4
size_t bone = 0;
while (bone < models_.Count())
ozz::math::Float4x4 mat = models_[bone];
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class SkinningCallback : public irr::video::IShaderConstantSetCallBack
// Matrix array of bone translations in model-space
irr::core::matrix4 *Bones_;
irr::f32 useSkinning;
void OnSetConstants(irr::video::IMaterialRendererServices* services, irr::s32 userData)
services->setPixelShaderConstant("bones", Bones_->pointer(), 100);
services->setPixelShaderConstant("useSkinning", &useSkinning, 1);
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void CreateSkinningShader(irr::IrrlichtDevice* device, irr::video::IVideoDriver* driver, irr::core::matrix4* TranslationMatrix, irr::scene::IAnimatedMeshSceneNode* SceneNode)
irr::video::IGPUProgrammingServices* gpu = driver->getGPUProgrammingServices();
irr::s32 mtlSkinningShader = irr::video::EMT_SOLID; // Fallback Material
SkinningCallback* callback = new SkinningCallback;
callback->Bones_ = TranslationMatrix;
callback->useSkinning = 1;
irr::io::path VertPath = "skinning.vert";
irr::io::path FragPath = "skinning.frag";
mtlSkinningShader = gpu->addHighLevelShaderMaterialFromFiles(
VertPath, "main", irr::video::EVST_VS_1_1,
FragPath, "main", irr::video::EPST_PS_1_1,
callback, irr::video::EMT_SOLID, 0, irr::video::EGSL_DEFAULT);
From what I understand, the IShaderConstantSetCallBack allows me to initially set parameters to be passed into the shader via setPixelShaderConstant.
Am I able to directly pass ozz::Range<ozz::math::Float4x4>* models_ into the shader with setPixelShaderConstant? (I think I must first convert from OZZ Float4x4 into IRR matrix4).
How do I update the value of this variable later? Or does simply changing the value (since it's a pointer/reference) allow the shader to receive the updated value?
In the shader code, where does it get the variable 'boneid' from?
Finally, what about the fragment shader? I want to continue to let Irrlicht handle the lighting/texturing or do I now have to do this myself since we've overridden the material type with this shader?
The application compiles and displays an unlit and presumably untextured model in it's default T-Pose. I made OZZ step through the animation but the model does not change.
Some quick debugging shows that each call to setPixelShaderConstant return false.
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