I don't think that helps. But if you run it with Irrlicht trunk the artifacts seem to be gone (there's been a few improvements for shadows). And it would otherwise also have a new option to calculate shadows per polygon (IShadowVolumeSceneNode::setOptimization set to ESV_NONE). Only problem I noticed there is that it stops calculating the shadow when the camera is in front of the model (maybe because of clipping, could try disabling that).
XEffects still useful. Irrlicht still only has shadow volumes, while XEffects uses ShadowMaps. Depends a bit on the use-case, but using ShadowMaps is the more common solution these days.
a bit offtopic too but https://github.com/netpipe/IrrlichtDemo ... cht_Octree for some reason using an octtree within the irrlicht scenemanager speeds things up alot. is there something wrong with irrlicht's camera it would not be able to have that performance for itself setting things to visible and not automatically ? bool useOctree = true; is what to check with
Last edited by netpipe on Tue Jun 07, 2022 4:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
First case looks to me like model maybe has different meshbuffers? Not quite sure how to apply them in some kind of seamless way over the model. I suspect the way to do that would be to work with a different set of UV coordinates (which could be calculated on the fly). So UV's maybe would have to project on some sphere or box around the model.
Second case - can be done with shaders. Without probably not.
About octree - not something I can tell about quickly. I mean octree can do a bit faster culling as they don't have to check all nodes. But then again that should not be the slow part usually as the normal culling check is pretty cheap. So something to profile to see what's making one so much faster than the other ("Very sleepy" is an easy to user profiler on Windows).