My first irrlicht project (Ludum Dare 51)

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My first irrlicht project (Ludum Dare 51)

Post by n00bc0de »

Hi. I just signed up to this forum. I have been meaning to try out irrlicht for years now and when a buddy of mine suggested making a 3d game for Ludum Dare (it was my 5th ludum dare), I decided to use this as the push I needed to finally try irrlicht out. My game did not turn out well but my overall experience with Irrlicht was a pretty good one.

I would say the only part that I was having trouble with was loading animated models. I used anim8or for all the graphics as well as just using it as a level editor. I had no problem loading levels and static meshes but trying to find exporters and converters to get it into the right format did not work out so I just went with static meshes. After I submitted my game I started working on a custom loader so I can just load .an8 files directly. Thankfully irrlicht has made it extremely easy to build custom scene nodes so most of my work will probably be in just parsing the .an8 file. I realize that there is a library that exists to do this as well as a custom loader that was written in the past but without the source code for LibAN8, you have to use VS2008 to use it. I think it would be better to just write a new loader as a single header that can be dropped in the project. I will provide the source whenever I do finish it.

So yeah, I really have enjoyed using this engine. Here is the link to my LD51 game if anyone is interested:
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Re: My first irrlicht project (Ludum Dare 51)

Post by CuteAlien »


Cool, 2 Ludum dare projects with Irrlicht this time (another user also posted one).
I hope our Wasm support improves enough at some point to make releasing on web also easier - hard to get votes I suppose without that.

For many formats there might be a chance to get them running by using irrAssimp (using assimp in Irrlicht) which can be found in the forum somewhere. Thought an8 unfortunately also doesn't seem to be supported by that. Maybe not that well known yet? I read the name before, but also haven't checked Anim8or out so far. But will do that, looks a bit interesting.
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Re: My first irrlicht project (Ludum Dare 51)

Post by n00bc0de »

I just looked up irrAssimp and it might be useful for some stuff in the future. I realize most people are using blender so I am not expecting there to be a lot of resources for anim8or. Me and the guy I worked on the ludum dare game with want to rebuild the game from scratch and I want to continue using anim8or so I have no problem coding any functionality I need. Maybe I can try to submit a PR to get my loader into irrAssimp once I have it fully working.

As for web assembly, I have been using emscripten with SDL2 for a few years. I might try out irrlicht with it to see if I can get it to build.
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Re: My first irrlicht project (Ludum Dare 51)

Post by CuteAlien »

Irrlicht ogl-es branch can build with emscripten and has a WebGL driver. Thought using SDL1 so far. But some features are still missing - especially particles still need some changes to work. And not yet that well tested.
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