Download irredit 1.5:
The asset used in this tutorial can be found free for commercial use here:
Well, let's begin.
Unzip, once we have unzipped we open irrEdit.exe that is inside the irrEdit-1.5 folder.

Remove the "testCube"

Import our 3d model

Import our texture

Select the texture in the "Textures" box, the selected texture will be marked with yellow

Select the 3d model in the scene and go to "Materials" and click on the letter "s" so that the selected texture is loaded in the model.

In the section below we enable the "Lighting" checkbox.

Now the model will be dark in the absence of a light source, so let's add a light.

Select the light and set position conveniently

Increase the size of the model by selecting it and modifying the "Scale" value. (Edit: also activate normalize normals so that the lighting calculates the scaling change correctly)

Select the light and set position conveniently, again

By default the model will be loaded with filters, that reduce pixelization (and also slightly increase FPS), we can deactivate it if we do not like the effect.

We can add ambient light to the scene from the "Atributes" parameters by selecting "root", this will make all objects in the scene contain some lighting, but no shadows, I will leave it in a dark blue to simulate the night.

We can see how lighting is affected inside and outside the house.

We can change the color of the illumination produced by "Light" from the object attributes, for example, to simulate the color of a torch we can use red.

We save the scene and then load it into our irrlicht project.

Make sure to configure the paths of our assets manually if necessary, this is done by modifying the .irr file with any text editor.

And that's all for now, as this is a basic tutorial it will only cover the basics.