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Discussion about everything. New games, 3d math, development tips...
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Post by DexterYozity »


Name:alias:age : NELSON->DexterYozity[30]

Programmer : Dbase 3/4/5... , Clipper, FoxBAse, FoxPro 2.6...
Ms Visual Foxpro 3/5/6/7/8, Paradox

Application developer : Integration & centralization of
accounting process from journalization to
preparation of financial status.

PC Assembly : PC Sales & PC assembly from the ground up
PC troublshooting/Service & Maintenance.

Hobbies : C++, web pages development
Games development
3D application
Graphic arts


Posts: 39
Joined: Sat Oct 30, 2004 4:35 pm
Location: Boston, MA

Post by digfarenough »

ok, I'll play :)

name: Eric Zilli

age: 23

location: Boston, MA, USA

occupation: phd student in neuroscience at boston university (though I have a BA in computer science).. the lab I work in studies quite a few different things, but I, myself, have my hands in: modelling animal spatial navigation and memory and analysis of prefrontal unit data (we recently presented a result at the society for neuroscience that caught the eye of a lot of people).. some of the more abstract stuff I work on is machine learning algorithms, so I could probably write up a nice tutorial on writing advanced AI using machine learning techniques, if anyone is interested in that

languages: I'm best at matlab and c/c++, but I've experience with quite a few.. including crazy ones like ml where you don't get to use variables.. eventually you get used to it, but it's weird at first :)

hobbies: music, writing, computer related things, cartoons, reading, math
been coding since elementary school, started with basic then went on to assembler.. I have since moved on to nicer languages :)
Posts: 38
Joined: Thu Feb 10, 2005 10:17 am
Location: South Africa

Post by Fingers »

Just to add to the list

Name : Neville van Deventer
Age : 30-Something
Occupation : Basically a IT Chameleon
Location : Johannesburg, South Africa

History : Started Programming on a ZX-81 at age 10, then Moved to a C-64 then to a PC - GWBasic ..
Since then Progressed through most Basics, onto Pascal tyhen to ANSI-C then to C++ When it was Released and the progression continues till the present day.

Currently I'm employed as one of the Senior Systems Developers on a J2EE Project.

Before that I Mainly wrote programs in whichever language was applicably to Simplify my LIFE .... eg. C# Program to Reverse engineer a Oracle Database just because there was no documentation and we needed to bring the Disaster Recovery Site On-Line ......

Why am I On the Irrlight Engine Forum :
Always had a Idea for a Personal Project but never had the appropriate utilities available, I Want to do this project speciffically in C# and Of all the Engines I've looked at over the last 2 weeks in various languages (Engines for C++, Java, etc.), I've liked what I've seen in Irrlight more than the rest. So I've decided to start the Project Geared for Irrlight as the Graphics Engine.

That's about it .......
Posts: 79
Joined: Sun Jan 16, 2005 5:53 pm
Location: Georgia, USA

Post by Magnus »

uhm I guess lol..

name: Daniel

alias: Magnus (duh ;))

Programming: newb to c++ master at html and know a little bit of php

History: I got into computers about a year ago, and programming summer of 2004 :)

EDIT: oh ya, Im 12
Posts: 448
Joined: Tue Oct 05, 2004 3:24 am
Location: Boston, MA

Post by Joe_Oliveri »

About Me!

Name: Joe Oliveri

Local: Boston, MA

Alias: SkaterX29527 (Old), ThaDamnItalian (NEW)

Programming: C/C++ mostly, I know C#/C-Script/HTML/PHP.

I started game programming about 4 or 5 years ago now.
Last edited by Joe_Oliveri on Sat Mar 19, 2005 12:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
Irrlicht Moderator || Game Designer
Learn the basics at </dream.in.code>
Posts: 239
Joined: Mon Nov 15, 2004 9:39 am
Location: Romania

Post by katoun »

Name: Nastase Catalin
Alias: Kat'Oun
Location:Romania, Bucharest
Programming:Pascal (4 years in Highschool-College), C/C++(2.5 years by my self ) , some HTML, some Basic and that's all.
Ocupation:Firsr Year student at The Univercity Of Bucharest at Mathematics and
Computer Science at the specialization Computer Science.

I started learning C++ because I wanted to make an 3D aplication and we're unseparable.
Curently working on a project I call K_Game and I intend to make it a sort of
Fallout , Resident Evil and King of The Road 3d engine(+ a sort of Tomb Raide).
Best to all.
Posts: 45
Joined: Thu Feb 10, 2005 11:45 am
Location: France

Post by phrounz »

class phrounz
Name François_Braud;
Alias phrounz;
Location France;
Age _20;
Programming GWBasic, DiV_Games_Studio, Jamagic, C, C_plus_plus;

Programming web(html, css, javascript, and_soon php);
Web site;//"http://braud.francois.neuf.fr"

I started programming on a computer with Dos. Now I have a Atlon 3000+. I'm actually in a multimedia french school. Of course, my goal is create games.

//I am impressed by the 12 years old boy who is already programming with Irrlicht ...
Posts: 372
Joined: Thu Oct 07, 2004 11:20 pm

Post by TheRLG »

void Irrlicht::RabidLockerGnome()
const c8* Name = "Mack R.";
const c8* Place = "USA";
int Age = SomeNumber;
enum ProgLanguages{QBasic, VisualBasic, Cpp, JavaScript, ASP, PHP};
const c8* URL = "www.hybridmenace.com";
const c8* CurrentProject = "Lawn Gnome Wars";
Posts: 71
Joined: Sat Aug 14, 2004 3:42 pm

Post by TheHitchhiker »

Name: Dusan Benasic
Country: Serbia & Montenegro
Age: 18 (born of friday 13)
Languages: Visual Basic , Java, C/C++
Last edited by TheHitchhiker on Tue Apr 05, 2005 10:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Use the Source!
Posts: 113
Joined: Sat Feb 26, 2005 11:28 am
Location: Leeds

Post by Fraza »

I'm 15 years old and from Leeds.

My dad teaches computing at my school and he always makes little computer games (with great algorhitms!) and naturally I was interested. So I started learning turbo pascal when I was 10, then I moved onto Delphi, but I use a Pascal interpretter my dad wrote in delphi (it's amazingly good, even makes the binaries if you want:D) for problem solving. Every year I do the computing olympiad, this year I got all 3 of the program questions (big woo for me lol), which is basically the kind of problem solving I like.

A while back I got NeverwinterNights and started scripting, and that's where I started to learn C++. I have now been using DevCpp for 2 months, I hate the language, but what can you do? I can do most things in it and I am getting better at all this pointer stuff.

At the moment I am making my own Irrlicht Map Format (it probably won't be a patch on MIM so I wouldn't share it unless requests were made). Maybe when it's finished I'll post some techdemoes on the kind of stuff I can create with it.

I want to use this forum because the help is muchly needed! This is the first time I've done anything with 3D graphics and quite a lot of it is rather obscure. Also, I hope to be able to help others aswell, it gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside! (lol)

I'm sure you'll be telling me off for bad programming in threads to come!
Posts: 3204
Joined: Mon Mar 28, 2005 3:45 am
Location: England

Post by bitplane »

I'm Gaz and I'm a 26 year old programmer from England, I've been writing code ever since I got this book in 1984 (yeah I was 5 years old, but the next 12 years were 'wasted' learning various forms of BASIC).
I haven't written any games in the past 6 years or so, so I thought I'd have a pop at a 3D one using Irrlicht.

My (ugly) website is at bitplane.net. There's not much good stuff there, mostly small projects that I actually finished.

Languages: too many to list or remember. Python is my current favourite

And tsk tsk, shame on all you people who listed HTML as a programming language.
Posts: 111
Joined: Wed Mar 23, 2005 12:05 am

Post by FlyHigh »

Nice to see a couple of people from the UK. Well,

Name : Stephen
Location : West Sussex / Hampshire, England
Age : 19
Occupation : Student (Computer Engineering)
Languages : RPG Maker (1999-2000) hours of fun back in day , Visual Basic (2001-now) good for hacking up simple programs, Pascal + Delphi (2001 only!) a good language if a little basic, COBOL (2002, COBOL killed my inner child!) , C++ (2002-now) and think C++ is the best IMO, but still been taught PHP (ok, but i hate web-dev), assembly(too tedious for me), Java(I despise), Haskell(A good clean functional language, been quite differcult to learn though)
Posts: 18
Joined: Wed Jan 26, 2005 11:17 pm
Location: England

Post by Chris »

You can add another Brit to the list then.

Name: Chris
Location: Norwich, England
Age: 16
Occupation: Student (A Level Math, Further Maths and Physics)
Languages: Believe I first started with making games with The Games Factory but that doesn't count really does it. Visual Basic, C++ and DarkBasic if it counts.
Posts: 41
Joined: Fri Feb 25, 2005 11:42 am

Post by djceejay »

One more brit... :D

Name: Chris
Location: W.Sussex & Hampshire, England
Age: 21
Occupation: Student (Computer Games Technology)
Languages: Basic (Commodore 64), VB, Pascal, Cobol (I'm with you FlyHigh :x ), C/C++, Java, J2ME (MIDP), ASP, PHP, Javascript, ActionScript (kinda Javascript).

C++ is the language of choice. Making games for mobile phones in J2ME was quite fun too.
Website is at: http://www.fmsoftware.info and http://www.djceejay.co.uk
Studying :: BSc Computer Games Technology :: UK
Posts: 12
Joined: Sat Apr 16, 2005 1:29 pm

Post by Pax »

Name: Paco
Location: Mexico
Languages: Trying to learn c++, some c, some basic and some pascal (back in the day...)
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