That is...ANY tool that makes the tga, will do. And u actually don't need a long workflow...hmmm...maybe yes..as I don't remember if...Well, if the x file that (b3d is two UVed, so it'll output in the second channel, no good for u) slimshady outputs (I used slimshady too) does puts the lightmapping coords, (which would be in second uv channel if export with b3d) IN THE CHANNEL 1...then that long workflow is not needed. In case it is so, it'd be :
- Ok, you have ur object with a texture applied. Simple. Keep a copy of it. Import into slim shady. Generate the lightmap. Export as x (in case the uv coords of lightmapping are put into channel1!! Unless...euh, maybe slimshady did used the channel1 coords, can't remember now, that case would be good for u too) . Convert the x to OBJ (keeping the lightmap in channel1, or if not, asigning yourself to channel1, like normal usual apply of a texture. Lithunwrap is perfect for this (look in TOOLS DEPOT, in signature))
-If the initial model u had previous to import into slimshady, was not an obj, u can easily convert it to an OBJ+texture also with Lithunwrap. Great tool.
-Now u'd have 2 OBJs, identical in mesh, as only should have changed the UVs. Just u asigned to the second the lightmap tga.
Just run OBJ2MIM and to load in irrlicht use MIM loader. End.
...But all that if u were lucky to grab Mim tools during the little time it was up...MIMTOOLS final version gonna be uploaded, the man got fried the BIOS and hd is not working with his changing town/area adventure...