Does anyone konw how do I add reflection to texture similiar to car? I understand there is not yet real reflection implement in engine but there showcase which also demo almost similiar:
Request for Implementation of Texture Reflection?
The technique used on the screenshot is environment mapping which does nothing more than wrapping a texture from the environment (screenshot or something) around the model and gives it a reflective look. This looks good for static objects but not for dynamic (or moving) objects. You'd need Render To Texture support for REAL reflections and guess what: it's on the list for 1.0

Pictures from Jim Blinn's Early Environment Mapping Work
This is what I hope to achieve the reflective result as already have in Irrlicht engine:
For real refection and ofcourse to reflect moving objects Irlicht needs cube mapping and there is an example in DirectX9 SDK.
But there is an othere way to make reflection: with strencil mirror but I dont it would be what to use for a car but for mirrors(it's just pure refection and I think it can't be combined with other materials like a car paint).
So Cube Mapping is the solution.
And of course enviroment mapping that can be used for water effect(I mean combined with transparency).
Theoreticly it's easy to say how or what to do , but Praticaly it's imposible.
(just a joke)
But there is an othere way to make reflection: with strencil mirror but I dont it would be what to use for a car but for mirrors(it's just pure refection and I think it can't be combined with other materials like a car paint).
So Cube Mapping is the solution.
And of course enviroment mapping that can be used for water effect(I mean combined with transparency).
Theoreticly it's easy to say how or what to do , but Praticaly it's imposible.

(just a joke)
Remember Tokyo Extreme Racer's reflections on the cars? I haven't played it for a long time, but looking back at it now, it seems like they were probably just sphere-mapped animated textures. What you mostly saw were the "reflections" from the streetlights, and it seems like you could fake them convincingly enough that way. Looked great in the game. Though they had the advantage that you're always racing at night, so only the streetlights really needed to be reflected...
Maybe I'll fire up my Dreamcast tomorrow and see if I can convince myself that's how it's done.
Maybe I'll fire up my Dreamcast tomorrow and see if I can convince myself that's how it's done.