Newton/Irrlicht Character Controller Demo update 10/28/05

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Newton/Irrlicht Character Controller Demo update 10/28/05

Post by dhenton9000 »

I'm working on a widget demo with the following features, using Newton and Irrlicht.

I've finished the following:

FPS Camera
Following Camera
Jump, Crouch
Elevators (Mounted and to-floor)
Trigger Areas
Sliding Doors

Source and Demo are available at

Comments/suggestions appreciated!
Last edited by dhenton9000 on Fri Oct 28, 2005 11:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post by Omberon »

That is a great demo! The elevators need a little work because they tend to bounce or go too far but for the most part you've done a great job. I think the only thing that's lacking now is strafing pretty much. It's also great how you have sound in this demo. This is one of the first irrlicht demos with sounds I've seen besides the tech demo. Good job.
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Post by trekker »


Very nice! The level/sounds remind me of StarTrek Voyager: Elite Forces. All that is missing are the borg :)

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Post by puh »

Good job, dhenton9000!

Post by Guest »

has anyone gotten the source to compile in Dev-C++? no matter what i do, i cant get it to run correctly...
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Post by dhenton9000 »

Anonymous wrote:has anyone gotten the source to compile in Dev-C++? no matter what i do, i cant get it to run correctly...
Heres a newton discussion that might be relevant ... sc&start=0
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Post by Pr3t3nd3r »

Nice demo but i have to say one think:
MOUSE CONTROL! o well more:
make "E" key to open and ctrl for Crouch. (meybe i.m playing a little too much :D)
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Post by puh »

Pr3t3nd3r, did you try to hold left mouse button for MOUSE CONTROL? 8)

Post by Globil »


can you do a little tutorial with the genreal ideas??

how create an elipse for player?
How create jumps, stairs?

genreal idea of what apis we must use
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Post by dhenton9000 »

Well thanks for the flattery!

I'm looking over it now and I'll put together a pdf soon. I think I can ramble enough that you might find something useful.
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Post by dhenton9000 »

First draft at:

Will add more if there's interest.

Post by Globil »

Great great work!!!! it is a good tutorial with good explications
congratulations!!! it give us new possibilities

give us more!! give us more!!! :D :D :D PLEASE

Post by zOrt »

I have a question. Why in Control of Player you use 10.0f for gravity and when the player JUMP you use the variable "timestep" ?
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Post by dhenton9000 »

zOrt wrote:I have a question. Why in Control of Player you use 10.0f for gravity and when the player JUMP you use the variable "timestep" ?
In the Newton simulator, you have to tell it what forces apply to your objects at all times. So gravity is applied to all objects. -10 is about the true gravitational constant. Negative for pointing down. Its defined in CNewtonBase and used everywhere. CNewtonBox shows a simple application of gravity in its ApplyForceHandler.

The timestep variable is used to calculate the force that is needed to jump a certain distance.

Code: Select all

		jumpvector.Y = mass* (PLAYER_JUMP_SPEED - velocity.Y)/timestep;
		m_keyMap[8].state = false;
		m_canJump = false;

In case you are wondering why timestep is needed at all for jumping (why not just use an aribtrary force) I used it here just because I wanted to think in terms of jumping at a certain velocity, it really isn't necessary. I just as easily could have put in

Code: Select all

         jumpvector.Y = ARBITARY_CONSTANT;

Post by Globil »

hello dhenton9000, are you goint to more tutorials and demos? i think in some union type mecanic for plataforms games (sorry my english :D )
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