Irrlicht is so cool! Thank you people!

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Irrlicht is so cool! Thank you people!

Post by Cristian »

The Irrlicht engine, although being a lightweight engine is complete enough for any kind of graphics project, and it doesn't require a special project structure, for example it works as well with gamestates as classes as it does with them as states in a state machine... just like using DelphiX & GLScene.

Its hardpoin IS it's ease of use!!! Seriously!!! It shortens game dev time considerably, and helps a lot in learning how to do a game. The docs are lacking in examples, proving (once again) that automaticly generated docs are HMPH.... just plain decent :).

Just my oppinion.
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Post by niko »

Nice that you like it. I'm trying to add some more examples to the docs in the future.

Post by Guest »

From another thread:
Still one of the features I like about Irrlicht, is that it has minimal external dependencies.
Amen to that and thanks from another Irrlicht "convert"! I have settled on this engine as the basis for a game effort I hope will go commerical (we'll see).

Thank you.

Post by Irkab1rka »

Simply thank you for this awesome engine. :D
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Post by Picard »

Ya simply thanks to you niko ;)
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Post by Joe_Oliveri »

Still one of the features I like about Irrlicht, is that it has minimal external dependencies
This is one of the main reasons I love Irrlicht so much, It does all this cool stuff yet it is only one dll. Also with all the examples included it still takes up less space then other applications. :roll: Like 3dgs
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Post by awareninja »

Yeah that's right !
Irrlicht is very great and have minimal dependencies.
I would just to see a customizable(for tone texture) toon shader.

And for the terrain , this is great, is it possible to define the LOD ,
because in the demo the LOD changing is too visible, we
see the vertex moving and face changing ?

But indead , Irrlicht is very great ,i like it alot :D

And the support for multiple lightmaps formats and exporter is really
a great thing :)
begin a little prototype , it will become
a solid great thing at the end.

Post by Guest »

Yes.. big thumbs up for Irrlicht.. simple and powerful and NOT overloaded/bloated. Please try to keep it this way while sympathetically adding new features. Bear in mind that while people ask for "advanced features x/y/z" most of these people are graphics junkies (nothing wrong with that) but for real world low budget games that are the only games likely to use irrlicht for more than tech demos/learning, then a solid legacy system must remain (in this case the fixed function pipeline and DirectX8.1 drivers for mass system propagation - a DX7 3d rendered, of course loosing the shaders etc, would also be VERY welcome for shareware authors at this time.. something other engines are moving away from though ogre still has it's old one in)

if no DX7 then fine but please dont ever dump DX8.1 - at least for another 2/3 years yet.

thanks! :)
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