I got a little farther in my endeavors with the irrlicht engine. I now have a mediocre game engine based off the ICE 3.0 framework that allows me to do camera and NPC collision. still can't figure out how to get the friggin gravity for the npc's to work, i got it working on the camera though, anyways:
1. does anyone know where and if, there is a tutorial or documentation on ICE?
2. map files can be created in XML now correct?
3. ICE users: how would i go about pausing my gamestate, when a player hits a button so i could switch back and forth from another without losing the original state. e.g: your fighting some dude in thirdperson, you hit tab to go to inventory to reload your gun and then you hit tab to go back to the game.
4. Does anyone want a monkey scientist model i made? (i'll post screenshots if wanted) it's not textured though.