Sure, some people hate him because he can be an smartypants, but hey, you know what? So what. He's provided quite a bit to the community.
However, even if you look back, you'll find that something gets spawned when someone takes a joking comment too personally - even when he makes that comment with the universal "he he."
At the same time though:
You sure lashed out sound a little sensitive to me.good try at hurting my feelings though guys or should i say "girls" but you can't break what doesn't exist.
I dunno man, the three posts that you were referring to were just giving an opinion on somthing that you asked for opinions on (you said "what do you think?" not "only tell me how much you like it")
That's about all I'll say. I won't get into a poetry discussion.
Except to say that the 14 y.o. girl comment might have been a little harsh. After all, if was a 14 y.o. girl, it most likely would have been written in Iambic Pentameter.