dhenton9000 wrote:First draft at:
Will add more if there's interest.
Sorry to dig an old thread but the link doesn't work anymore... Would it be possible to upload it again?
dhenton9000 wrote:First draft at:
Will add more if there's interest.
Anonymous wrote:Hi there. I tried your demo and got it compiled. It is very useful. I lightmapped your obj-level and reloaded it as my3d, but it does not work properly anymore. The collision is broken as i fall through the map (mainly in front of the switches i want to push,grr). The elevator seems to be stuck... I did not reposition a single vertex, i did no scale nothing just added some lights and rendered it. Then reloading as my3d and newirr is broken. Its really too bad. Maybe there is a way to load the lightmap and its uv's without using my3d? Or any other idea to get the lightmap would be very much appreciated. Please have a look, my maps look so shitty without lightmaps.
I can already get lightmaps to work without physics (just collision), but your example shows so much more that greedy me wants everything together. Any idea?
Code: Select all
void CNewtonGame::createNewtonBase(scene::ISceneNode* iNode,scene::IAnimatedMesh* iMeshBase)
NewtonCollision* newtonmap;
newtonmap = NewtonCreateTreeCollision(nWorld, LevelCollisionCallback);
int j;
int v1i, v2i, v3i;
IMeshBuffer *mb;
vector3df vArray[3]; // vertex array (3*3 floats)
int tmpCount = 0;
int meshCount = iMeshBase->getMesh(0)->getMeshBufferCount();
std::cout << meshCount;
Code: Select all
// assert(meshCount == 1);
// assert(meshCount != 0);
for (int x=0;x<meshCount;x++)
mb = iMeshBase->getMesh(0)->getMeshBuffer(x);
//video::S3DVertex* mb_vertices = (irr::video::S3DVertex*) mb->getVertices();
video::S3DVertex2TCoords* mb_vertices = (irr::video::S3DVertex2TCoords*) mb->getVertices();
Code: Select all
u16* mb_indices = mb->getIndices();
int maxI = mb->getIndexCount();
Fernando Alonso wrote:I have a question: I am trying to simulate the real movement of a FPS. In games type "quake" or " counter strike ", the movement of the FPS is linear, but when a person walks the force of the left leg and then the right leg makes to move itself the point of vision....
Well, it doesn't seem to be soo permanent.dhenton9000 wrote:This should be the permanent home of the latest files: