Corporate Mayhem

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Corporate Mayhem

Post by Elise »

Corporate Mayhem is a free futuristic open source action-roleplaying game for Linux and Windows, with isometric viewpoint. It's mostly reminiscent of Syndicate, a classic Bullfrog game. (I have never played Syndicate, any and all similarities are purely coincidental, really!)

Only thing you can do for now is to walk around the city and shoot some pedestrians. See the included readme.txt for instructions on how to do this.

This is the first pre-alpha release so there are bound to be a lot of problems. None of them should destroy your computer etc. though. If you encounter any, please let me know!

The graphics are more or less crappy, the city is rather bland and lifeless (having only 5 different looking buildings) and the pedestrian walk around randomly even walking in the middle of the road. All those are things I plan to change for the next release.

There are a lot of other crappy things like the controls or that you can't shoot around randomly but rather need to have a target first. Most things are really just placeholders and I plan to change them when I can figure out how they should be implemented.

Full source and windows binary are available in the website.


Post by Guest »

it looks like gta2 in 3D :D
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Post by Elise »

As a fan of the gta series, I'll take that as a high compliment. :D

Post by Guest »

Elise wrote:As a fan of the gta series, I'll take that as a high compliment. :D
i think gta2 is one of the best games ever made hehe soooooo much fun to play with a friend over LAN :D

after i looked at the demo, i noticed the following things:

1. DAMN! its pretty close to really be gta2 in 3D! perfect hehe
2. the camera is great!
3. pathfindingis cool too!
4. how much time did you spend on this? are you programming in c++ for long already?
5. the objects have a light when you move the mouse over them, thats pretty cool too!

the demo is really hot stuff compared to the other things showed here in the showcase :)

Post by Akano »

Its not really GTA, it is really looking like Syndicate. Also the looking of the Agents and the other peps.

And you have never played it? That really cool.
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Post by Elise »

1. DAMN! its pretty close to really be gta2 in 3D! perfect hehe
2. the camera is great!
3. pathfindingis cool too!
4. how much time did you spend on this? are you programming in c++ for long already?
5. the objects have a light when you move the mouse over them, thats pretty cool too!
1. You can climb to the roofs of some buildings just like in gta2 too. :P

2. It's pretty close to final, maybe some little tweaks are needed but I think it does the job.

3. There's no real pathfinding, the agents just move in straight line to where you click and stop when they collide with something. I might make it better but I don't think it really needs to be better.

4. Started working on it in the beginning of august. A lot of the classes I had already made for other (test) projects, so a lot of the work was basicly already done. Making the graphics was probably the most time consuming thing.
I've been programming games all my life. I was introduced to c++ few years ago, but never done anything major. CM will be the biggest project with c++ ever for me and it's already close to it.

5. Just an axial-aligned billboard with EMT_TRANSPARENT_ADD_COLOR material. :)
And you have never played it? That really cool.
Yup never played it! [wink wink] :wink:
I heard there might be official Syndicate remake in the works... wouldn't want to have my project associated with Syndicate in any way except for maybe few minor coincidental similarities. :wink:

Post by Akano »

But at the moment every one i had showed your demo they saying, its syndicate.

Its becase the agents are exactly looking like in syndicate and also the number of 4 is the same. Then the movement is the same and the animations and the uzi shooting.

Post by Guest »

Akano wrote:But at the moment every one i had showed your demo they saying, its syndicate.

Its becase the agents are exactly looking like in syndicate and also the number of 4 is the same. Then the movement is the same and the animations and the uzi shooting.
who cares? :) if so, then it does look like syndicate. as long as he does not get into legal troubles because of that, everything should be ok.
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Post by DrBenito »


Now where's my persuadatron? and my gauss gun :twisted: muhahahahaha... ahem

some excellent work so far. looking forward to seeing it progress :D

Good luck!

Post by Guest »

are you going to include more cool and heavy weapons like flamethrowers, rocketlaunchers, grenades, tanks ... and such ? that would rock :twisted:
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Post by eXodus »

Nothing was like the endocriner. Taking control of an angry zombie-like mob...aaarrrrrr drool....
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Post by Elise »

Miniguns, flamers and rocket launchers absolutely.
A device starting with P... wouldn't leave it out for anything :D
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Post by ErUs »

intergrate a physics engine before its too late...

i wanna see ragdoll on those peds :P
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Post by vermeer »

very cool thing :)

i once was near to make skins for a syn arena inspired mod...was gonna be paid, even. But it was too much blood in the game..

heh, some comments :

1- no lightmaps...yet though surely quite of a huge pain to add them for such big town... Tip: fsrad would be IDEAL, imho better than max or giles: it generates the uv partitioning, and trust me, I've used others for making a town lightmaps, and man, what a pain to make those uvs and imagine the perfect lm size for each tga, and not having unaccuracies, etc. Achievable but a pain. Lightmapping a city is a pain usually, anyway. Unless generated by code, I suppose, or using fsrad. As no curved surfaces there, I guess fsrad would rock for it. But in your case, think well before adding lightmaps ;) could demotivate you by itsself...

2- cool! windows and linux. :)

3- what u used for characters? x format? ms3d? md2? (I'd say this is not, surely, I didn't see the vertices tremble...) ...x format, perhaps...

4- at 800x600 desktop, the game screen gets eaten by the upper right corner, not seing part of game. I guess is just positioning the window relative to desktop when launching, I don't code, so I dunno.
edit---lol! touching the settings.ini fixes it :D

5- texture are a bit cartoony. Surely you go after that aesthetics, though, more than uber realistic ones. If u go after realism, lightmaps will add a 400% of it.I'd put a more frenetic walk, to give it more sense of danger, not simply quicker, just like some running some more in paced walk...

6-the guys are very neo like, I liked the feel :) Shoulders a bit to rounded(noticed only in the website(curious, that u used in one a cartoon that used with ingame code?)), surely for deformations ;)

hehe the guys don't collide...ok..not bad..
I see now that is the peds which go slowly...but no, is ok the speed...
can it happen that it goes in opposite direction when right clicking after some camera turning around...?check that in case it can happen...
I don't know (and interested to know) if is possible to make the wsad camera moving smoother. Or the question would be...can an irrlicht camera be spline smoothed? u know, that progressive slowering before stooping movement or rotation (while in rotation is dangerous, it can be a bit too distracting if done badly) it is much more natural...not such of a problem in this type of game. Quite more problem in an fps game, and even much more in any flight sim or spaceship games...I know of certain game production (comercial!)environment that cannot produce this.

Cool that u captured ESC key to exit :)
Finally making games again!
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Post by Elise »

ErUs wrote:intergrate a physics engine before its too late...

i wanna see ragdoll on those peds :P
Hehe me too! :D Newton for ragdoll effects is something I'm thinking, but I'll have to see if it works.

1. Well I'm not going to stress over lightmaps. If it's too much trouble I'll just go without. I'll take a look at fsrad.

2. Yup

3. x format is used for all 3d models, I found it causes the least amount of troubles when importing and it supports vertex weights.

4. The initial resolution is 1024x768 because that's what I like to use when coding and I forgot to change it to anything else. There are a bunch of other options you can set in the settings.ini, the one thing I forgot to mention in the readme.txt file. ;P
In the future when the game matures I'll have the default resolution to 800x600 fullscreen and adjustable from options screen.

5. All the animations are pretty basic ones.

6. The guys on the website are high-polygon versions of the agent model. The cartoon render was done with ink9000:
I've been playing around with that program for a while now and finally found some good use for it. :)
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