Snowboarding Slopes..

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Snowboarding Slopes..

Post by NoBrain2k »

hey there,
Today is my second with the irrlicht engine and i wondered if anyone could suggest a way to approach the levels in a snowboarding game?? my current idea is to make the whole thing in max (or blender if i ever get to grips with it) and import it as an octree node... is that my best option do you think??

I have tried the terrain manager and as nice as it is I dont thing it is quite what i'm after.

Any opinions?

Thanks in advance :)
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Post by Conquistador »

Getting levels made is one thing, making it into a decent snowboarding game is another. You'll have to learn a physics library, and calibrate everything properly, figure out how you're gonna actually move the player, do the character animations, etc. Just make sure you don't bite off more than you can chew, and take it one step at a time. Good luck :D

Post by NoBrain2k »

I agree entirely, however I feel a level would be the logical first step, would it not? :)
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Post by namik »

I think your best bet would be to use the terrain system with a height map, then translate/rotate it so that it slopes down hill. Make sure you rotate all your objects at the base point so they sit upright. This will give you the benefits of the already implemented methods for collision detection. Collision detection is the hardest piece so I recommend you use something that is already in place.
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Post by Conquistador »

I agree entirely, however I feel a level would be the logical first step, would it not?
Not quite, actual games are fully thought out before hand, and an editor of any kind is not even started up until this is done. The first steps would be to make a design document, that includes everything about your game, including interface, level design, art, and even how the game will be coded. It really helps having one, because if you know what you're doing and how to do it, it makes it easier to code the game.

If you want some more info, check out the articles at

Re: re:

Post by NoBrain2k »

Conquistador wrote: Not quite, actual games are fully thought out before hand, and an editor of any kind is not even started up until this is done. The first steps would be to make a design document, that includes everything about your game, including interface, level design, art, and even how the game will be coded. It really helps having one, because if you know what you're doing and how to do it, it makes it easier to code the game.
since i code games as a hobby, so that I enjoy it I generally don't put myself through all the trouble of writing documents. I understand what you are saying, and that you are trying to help but i don't intend to come out with SSX5. I may not even finish the thing but I just wanna enjoy it and keep practicing my C++.
namik wrote: I think your best bet would be to use the terrain system with a height map, then translate/rotate it so that it slopes down hill.
Maybe you are right, but then all my peaks in my height map would point diagonally outwards rather than up... leaving me with a rather odd looking mountain. Thats what put me off it in the first place.
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Joined: Fri Apr 08, 2005 8:46 pm

Post by dhenton9000 »

Yeah, documentation , who needs it? :)

I agree with the philosophy of starting in where ever you want to. That's the benefit of being a hobbyist!! Heck, you might as well have fun!

Me, I would probably create the levels in blender, use as obj/.x and not as terrain nodes, but thats my thing. I would DEFINITELY go with a physics engine for this, I use newton and have a First person shooter demo that illustrates newton irrlicht integration. I've got stuff sliding and flying all over, and I didn't write 1 line of the code that does it, its all done by the physics engine.

Newton code at You know there is a blender game with a snowboarder type figure it in, kind of in a roller rink thing.

Good Luck.

Post by NoBrain2k »

Thanks dhenton, i'll try what you have suggested. I actually was thinking of using a physics engine already (My maths sucks so i avoid using it as much as possible). I will most likely use newton since you recommend it and no doubt your code will be a big help!

Cheers muchly! :D

Right! time to have another crack at blender :?
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