Lights and Shadow

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Lights and Shadow

Post by Keil »

I'm currently using Irrlicht 12.

i have a MD2 model which i can move into an apartment modeled with milkshape3d.
I apply shadow, so i put a light somewhere into the ceil.

when approching my md2 to a wall, i see his shadow, but, i see that the shadow is projected onto the wall behind too. i can see that because of the 3rd person-view i created.
I explain again:
the md2's shadow is projected on the floor. If i put a wall, the shadow is projected on the wall but continue to be projected in the floor even behind the wall
i i put some more walls, same effect again over the floor and each wall owns a projection of the md2's shadow.

Other problem but with light:
I hide my md2 behind a wall but the md2 keep being lit as if there weren't any wall
Last edited by Keil on Thu Jan 05, 2006 2:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Keil »

Get stronger confronting stronger ones

Post by Anteater »

That happens all the time in commercial games. BF:V and Dragon Quest VIII are examples.

Post by Guest »

ok, but i don't want it to appear in my one.
is there a possibility to take down that bug?
(i don't ask how, i just don't ask if there are possibilities)
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Post by needforhint »

if I hit the .exe the game doesn't start, only console window appears for a piece of a second.... no mistake reports form XP os.
much worst then a shadow...
what is this thing...

Post by Guest »

Same problem, console window shows for a fraction of a second, but app does not run (XP / Win2K). Could use a logfile.

Post by Guest »

Ok! i update the zip to the latest version i made.
you will get it at:
It's for Windows only with DX9

but you need to set the key at the title screen by pressing F1.
i recommend the following keys
Joystick: Aucun
touche Valide: Mouse Left Click
touche Annuler(=cancel): Mouse Right Click
touche Changer: Mouse Middle Click
touche Menu: BackSpace
menu Haut: Home key
menu bas: End Key
menu gauche: Delete Key
menu droite: Page down Key
Strafe Haut/avancer: Up arrow Key
Strafe Bas/reculer: Down arrow Key
Strafe Gauche: Left arrow Key
Strafe Droite: Right arrow Key
Inverser axe Y: Just type return.
After this done, you'll be ask to test your controls and press the valid button (mouse left click) to quit and return to the title screen

i have some things to change, but i think with that, everything should be ok to wander through the map.

Anyway, i just ask you to notice the shadow problem.


Post by Guest »

version updated, so, i hope you'll understand french.
anyway, a the title screen if you want to change controls, the key is no longer F1 but backspace.
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Post by kburkhart84 »

To the OP:
If you want the lights on the other side of the wall not to be calculated, you need to not light the node specifically. Or turn off the light if you aren't in the room the light is in. Same idea with the shadow. You shouldn't be able to see on the other side of the wall anyway. The camera probably shouldn't go through walls. And if you aren't in the same room as the light, you need to turn off the light.

Post by Guest »

OK, but now you got some interested idea, do you know how to applied it?

My whole scene is a ms3D object, there is just one light. if i turn it of, i won't able able to see anything and... unfortunately, my camera has to be able to see behind walls.

If i didn't get wrong your idea, if i move to another room and look to the light point, because i switch off the light, i wouldn't be able to see the enlightened room.

if i'm wrong, can you explain yourself better please
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Joined: Thu Dec 15, 2005 6:11 pm

Post by kburkhart84 »

OK, first of all, light from one room shouldn't affect the walls of another. That is clear. Second, why would you want you camera to allow you to see behind a wall if you aren't there. But, if nothing else, you could create various ms3d files instead of one big one so you could turn off/on lights for each node.

Post by Guest »

yes, that's an idea, i think i already thought of it and it seems that i will have to deal with shadow and light managing. so much for just a meaningless thing.
I had given up this idea and i am looking for somthing else:
i'd like just a dark disk under my character as his shadow.
so i won't have to manage so much things.

the problem is that i don't know how can i project the disk on a non-flat ground.
if you have any idea for this, it'll help me a lot.

thanks anyway
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