Realtime shadows

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Joined: Mon Mar 06, 2006 6:29 pm

Realtime shadows

Post by Amt0571 »

I'm using realtime shadows in a project but I have some problems... I think this image is better than a thousand words so, here it is: ... shadow.jpg

As you can see the shadow projects itself through objects... have I done something wrong with my models?

Thanks in advance

Post by Guest »

I don't believe that anyone has encountered this reason... is there a reson why most of my posts don't get any reply? I've recently posted some posts asking what I think are basic questions but that I didn't manage to solve on my own... nevertheless, although a lot of people read them, nobody answers... what's happening in this forum?
Posts: 128
Joined: Mon Mar 06, 2006 6:29 pm

Post by Amt0571 »

That guest was me... as usual, I forgot to log in.
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Location: Tübingen, Germany

Post by CuteAlien »

is there a reson why most of my posts don't get any reply?
Yeah - there is this really secret 'inner' forum where we decide to whom we answer and which persons we ignore ;-) Or it might be that you just didn't search enough for other posts in this forum which describe the same problem.

Unfortunalty it seems that that no one has posted a solution to that problem so far. For my own project i just planned in some time to work on shadows. If i'll find a better way to do them, i'll post it, but that will be more than a month away. If anyone else finds a good solution before me i'm glad and will use that one. Current shadows do have more problems than just the projection through walls. On some OpenGL drivers they do completly screw up (for example on my linux machine).

In case you only have flat floors like in your screenshot you could maybe just use fake shadows (google for it).
Posts: 128
Joined: Mon Mar 06, 2006 6:29 pm

Post by Amt0571 »

Thanks, of course, there's people who have helped me, but recently I have written some posts which nobody answered and well... I just can't imagine that nobody has encountered the problems I talk about.
Posts: 19
Joined: Fri Oct 24, 2003 3:07 pm

Post by MattyBoy »

Checkout this thread. ... ght=shadow

This can help. It won't solve all your problems. From my understanding, to correctly fix this is not trivial.
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