2d Basics

If you are a new Irrlicht Engine user, and have a newbie-question, this is the forum for you. You may also post general programming questions here.
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2d Basics

Post by Sachiel7 »

Hey everyone! Long time no see, lol
Ok, so I've gotten the hang of most of the 3D functions of IRRLicht needed to get things "up and running", and now I'm trying to get a grasp of the basics of 2D functions within IrrLicht.

I've gotten the foundationals down, creating a device, loading textures, defining sprites, drawing them on the screen, text, fonts, etc.
Here's a few questions I'd like someone to give a basic runthrough on:

-2D Rotation?
-Any effects youve used, or how youve generated effects, such as hazing, pixellating, etc.

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Post by xhrit »

heh. something i am good at!

>2D Rotation?
nope. use old school 'animation chains'. linked list ov images.

Yes. Just set transparency keys and draw over the last sprite.

>Any effects, such as hazing, pixellating, etc.
no. do them by hand in whatever image manipulation program you use.
Core2Duo E8400 3.0ghz - 2048mb DDR2 800 - geForce 9600 - Slackware12.1

Word-image-symbol programming limits, controls, and imprisons the individual.
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Post by Sachiel7 »

Sounds good...
On a side note, anyone done any work running AVI's through IrrLicht? Just curious :)
Thanks for the help!

Post by hybrid »

Yes, there's an avi player as part of Emil Halim's Irrlicht library, see also the Wiki for informations on this. I did a Linux version with aviplay, but had several compiler problems with aviplay such that I abandoned this project.
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Post by Sachiel7 »

Sounds good...
One more 2D question,
Is there any way to place a semitransparent sprite? I'm not talking about colorkeying out stuff, I've already got that going. Why is it that when you use the draw2DImage function, the SColor defined at the end -- The alpha value does nothing? When drawing a rect (like in the 2D example) it sets the alpha level, but it does nothing when drawing a 2d image...any reason why?
Just checking.
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