.x file exporter for Maya

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Post by snowfly »

Thanks I am looking forward to a fully working version of the exporter. We are using Irrlicht in our project, and a clean export would be a huge time saver. I don't particularly enjoy cleaning up the .x ascii before sending them off to the programmer. :)
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Post by SlashOwnsU »

this is just great !

I was having so much trouble using (or trying to use) the D9X exporter plug-in
now your mel script is 3x simpler and 5x better

keep it up...I'll be looking forward to other versions
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Post by Orkze »


I have weird problems with your script.
First of all i get the "Error: Collection not found, or no current collection." bug on my notebook, but with Maya 7.
On my other pc all works fine...except that it is not exporting any animation at all.

I've done the whole animating process with the Trax Editor.
But because it didn't worked with exporting, I merged the clips, put them back in timeline, deleted the clips, also the whole character set, but anyway I don't get any Animation in the X file.

Animation starts at frame 1 and ends at frame 827.
Only one polygon object, 5 ik handles, a few constraints etc.

any idea?

like i said, I'm working on Maya 7
(directX exporter from MS isn't even starting, i already tried o_O)
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Post by MarkusBergqvist »

I have weird problems with your script.
First of all i get the "Error: Collection not found, or no current collection." bug on my notebook, but with Maya 7.
On my other pc all works fine...except that it is not exporting any animation at all.
Try the "Maya 4.5 version" http://www.markusbergqvist.se/XExporter ... aya4.5.mel
I think its the same problem as snowfly had but it should work on maya 7.

About the animation I'am sorry to say that the exporter do not support animation clips, just ordinary keyframe animation on joints, ik handles och the object it self. You can not use any deformation tools or advanced rigging as the script just looks for keyframes on the joints and ik handles.

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Post by MarkusBergqvist »

did some research about animation clips and I found that if you right click a clip in trax editor and select "activate keys" my exporter should find the keyframes. This is not fully tested but you can give it a try.

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Post by Zing »

Markus... Dude.. I could HUG you for making this awesome script! :D

Thanks man! You're a friggin' genius!
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Post by knutcj »

I can't believe I haven't found this before now.

Takk Markus.

Have you tried it in Maya 8.0?
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Modified XEporter

Post by funxer »


I made some changes to the original XExporter.mel file.

Have you ever seen:
-message "No skincluster found for selected object. Skipping skin export."
When you shouldn't have?

The problem that I was having was with history, if I had any history added after binding or if i deleted history after binding, the exporter would ignore my skin.
This was making it impossible to adjust UVs and Paint Skin weights so I modified the script to recognize the Skin Cluster regardless of the History.

Here it is:

BTW I use maya 7
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Post by MarkusBergqvist »

Hello again, thanks for all kind comments.
I have not been able to work much on the exporter lately because of my full time job but you guys inspire me to continue the development. I will look into the exporter soon and make some updates as I now have more skills in MEL. Thanks to funxer for the skin cluster update.

So, an update is on the way..


btw I tested the exporter for Maya 8 and there where no problems.
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Post by harshavsn »

Thank you for your hard work.

If it is simple, could you recompile your exporter into a .lib
For some reason the OSX version of Maya has a different plugin type.

Cheers for your work,
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XExporter.mel still working?

Post by gmayer »


I downloaded the .mel script from funxer, as it seemed to be the most up to date one available.

I use Maya 8

Does anyone know if this script is functioning correctly?

I created a simple polygon object with a lambert material (no texture, just color).

When I load this into my test app (essentially the hello world app), it does not complain about failing to load, but I see nothing. I am drawing the bounding box for the node, so I know the camera is in a good place, but there is no mesh.
I've tried with lighting on/off, wireframe/filled, and I tried the -z scaling suggested in the readme.html that came with the .mel script.
Scaling the node by 1,1-1 or not scaling it makes no difference.

Finally I tried to load the exported .x file into the DirectX Viewer that came with the November 2007 sdk, and it failed to load.

Anyone ideas what I'm doing wrong?

Thanks in advance,
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Post by netpipe »

this script is a life saver, but its hard to figure how to animate stuff properly, could someone please post a brief tutorial on how to animate and export.

it seems combined meshes will not export or if you change vertex's or if you scale something making ik exporting difficult. i've even played with deleting history and nothing works.

the only way i was able to make this work was to make an unmodified box keyframe it drag it then export.. i'll give cvxporter a testo
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Post by EvIl_DeViL »

I get only black meshes when I embed my textures!!! (the engine load them successfully...) I can't understand the problem!
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Re: .x file exporter for Maya

Post by ibax »

is there a working .X file exporter for Maya 2012?
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