JPulham wrote:three questions todo with a FPS camera and animator. How do I...
Probably been asked, but it needs collision detection ect
I'd look at irr::scene::CSceneNodeAnimatorFollowSpline. You could either set up a spline for the path you want the camera to follow, or just use it as an example. Doing something really full-featured that interacts "properly" with gravity probably requires building some physics.
Is there a way to resize the collision sphere in an animator?(like the last one... probably been done )
According to the API, irr::scene::ISceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse has the method setEllipsoidRadius().
Climb A ladder?:
My idea was to have a cylinder around the ladder that turns off gravity when your inside it... any ideas?
My approach to this would be to have the camera animator remap what forward and backward do when you're close to a ladder, but I've never tried it.