sorry, dynamic lighting?WOW thats a lot to read, i'll read it now but just a point to make, why do we need smoothed normals if we arent using dynamic lighting?
Dunno what it means...unless means lights moving around or something...
any engine has opengl smoothing normals...
But...did you add a lot of tris/quads for it? Did you try and make an arc out of just 6 segments and add smoothing normals to it (maybe splitting at the edges so make sharp borders of the bricks) ...and...well...fsrad, we Murphy and I checked well...does not consider smoothing normals in any way...neither oct format, nor his plugin of export from blender...moreover smoothed surfaces? i exported an arc just fine.
Blender can do smooth allnormals if you hit th ebutton or were already smooth...the oct exporter does export em flatten, no normals, unless I've come crazy or some really secret update has happened...lastly doesnt blender average the normals on any mesh you want and the oct exporter exports these normals?

dunno...unless you mean not inverted, not black artifacts...i exported and lightmapped meshes with flipped and "good" normals and they worked just fine.
I mean in any old engine there's smoothing normals,(smooth groups) , and also the lightmapper in teh 3d package, did generate lightmaps according to where there's a rounded normals surface and when it's flattened, so light will be a gradient, or cut planes of lighting...instead of considered as revolution continuous want perfect normals so curved surfaces are perfectly lightmapped?
Look, I made a pair of blends for you, one faceted, one with smoothing normals, check that if you wish so, with oct and fsrad and finally the engine...
( oh, those are done with blender 2.42 )
and an screenshot of what I'd expect as an artist to see in the engine (the smoothed one. And with the "cuts" where eacatly I did em...)(click to enlarge)

I have a suspiction you see curved surfaces rounded through the use of many polies (while then indeed would be flattens between the faces, and so calculated lightmap also as fsrad can do other thing...)for me the "normal" oct flow works fine, i have one mesh that is produced by clicking the go button on fsrad then importing in irrlicht, not to metion the higher speed as there is no need for double the polygons to be rendered, moreover with shaders we can truely render multitextured objects in one pass(some cards add extra polygons internally for lightmaps)
To be true, even in jobs, I prefer manual making of the second uv channel, but yep is more comfortable an automatic one...Have u tested Archimap plugin for does that...besides...I do usually use Ultimate Unwrap for the auto stuff...actually I use blender little, tho I know well many of its uses.The lightbaker script is fine but it require mannual UV of the meshes for effciency moreover
you can resize it to smaller later...oh, you mean the great packer of fsrad doing 128x128 without sacrifying quality....yep, few lightmappers do it so good...But i cant stand no curved surfaces good shading...Murphy told m e adding that to fsrad, as he already has modified it, would have been a load of exports to one mega huge texture so it can be problematic If
is what u have in blender for now, but I guess stuff can be done giving it some effort by artists...its so impratical and time consumeing and not very hardware friendly.
Would be cool if u could simply add smooth normals to the blender exporter, Murphy told me it didnt have em, and ideed, I never could see well rounded cones or cilinders in the viewers if exported as oct...but yes with then is that irrlicht can do smoothing normals, no? As his viewers where simply irrlicht.please show me artifacts that arise when using the oct method, maybe i can do some bug fixes
Yup, I mentioned to him above, I not only did those tries with Murphy, also many other sort of projecting meshes a new world...btw Spotlights are easily emulated and are better this way:
add a cone of mesh around a point light! You would need that cone anyway for the lamp/light source mesh

is not exactly a pro solution...I'll tell u why. The other stay flattened , is not a hard edge between smoothed surfaces. If the other part was also curved, which is so often happenning, u'd be forced to see th eother part flattened. I meant, u can do with splitting (maybe best way is with P, detaching parts) , but neither is ideal. Yet the best workaround for now...Btw blender can do smoothing groups if you were complaining about all smooth with this statement:
other thing than "all smooth" or generate the smoothing creases by breaking the mesh,
Just go in edit mode and select faces then press smooth, the selected faces are only smoothed , the others remain unchanged.