What about MeshManipulator->setVertexColor? Or iterate through the mesh buffers and do it on your own - with more possibilities to adjust colors during the traversal.
i want to "highlight" an object when my mouse is over it...
i use parallax mapped object.
when i use lighting = false, it stays lightened.
when i use setvertexcolor with the meshmanipulator
nothing changes.
when i use getmaterial->DiffuseColor.set(...)
nothing changes. same with ambientcolor, shininess.
what is the solution to make an object for ex. bright which is
parallax mapped?
I made a texture that was a 32x32 png file that had an alpha channel in it (i.e. blue and 50% transparent).
Then, when the mouse was over the node, I simply added this texture as the 2nd texture to the node. When the mouse was over a new node, I just set the 2nd texture of the node to NULL.
With this the whole node turns a colour, but you can still see the textures beneath.