Graphics on Irrlicht

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Graphics on Irrlicht

Post by shivanraptor »

My graphics in Irrlicht looks strange .

but the original image looks like this :

The pic uses Adobe Illustrator CS to make it .
using CMYK mode .
I then copy it to Adobe Photoshop CS for further tunings.
I first change to RGB mode .
Add a layer .
Arrange the new layer to the bottom , fill it with color RED ( 255, 0,0 ) #FF0000 .
Then save as 24-bit bitmap in Windows format .
I guess it is about anti-aliasing problem .

My code is as follow :

Code: Select all

            string meter_panel_path = Application.StartupPath + "\\..\\..\\res\\gauge_model1.bmp";
            DriverType dt = DriverType.DIRECT3D9;
            IrrlichtDevice device = new IrrlichtDevice(dt , new Dimension2D(800, 600), 32, false, true, true);
            if (device == null)
            IVideoDriver driver = device.VideoDriver;
            ITexture meter_panel = driver.GetTexture(meter_panel_path);
            driver.MakeColorKeyTexture(meter_panel, new Position2D(5, 5));
            while (device.Run() && driver != null)
                if (device.WindowActive)
                    driver.BeginScene(true, true, new Irrlicht.Video.Color(0, 0, 0, 0));
                    driver.Draw2DImage(meter_panel, new Position2D(100, 20));
Please advice .
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Post by shurijo »

Change the image size to a factor of 2 - such as 32x32, 64x64, 128x128, 256x256, 512x512, etc. That will fix the odd distoration of the image.
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Post by shivanraptor »

yes , it solved the problem .
thanks for help
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Post by Nae'blis »

I also found that when doing 2D work changing the renderer to be system default 1 or 2 fixed similar issues. Using DX or GL would 'corrupt' the image too badly for text to be read.
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Post by RhavoX »

This is not Irrlicht's fault. Graphic cards are distorting every image that has no power of 2 size :)
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Post by IPv6 »

you can also split image to square pieces (especially if this is a big image, bigger that 512*512) at run time to avoid image distortion. each piece will be in separate texture.
check this for details (irr1.1): ... hp?t=15029
here is the example with source ...
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