Lighting Problem

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Joined: Fri Aug 25, 2006 2:19 pm

Lighting Problem

Post by gavicus »

I have a couple of .md2 models in my scene. I made these models using Blender.

I tried to place a light in my scene, but with or without the light, my models are full-bright and unaffected by any light I add.

I used the commands...
material.Lighting = true;
sceneNode->setMaterialFlag(EMF_LIGHTING, true); no avail.

I'll post my code if asked to, but can anyone come up with an obvious mistake I'm making?
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Joined: Fri Jun 03, 2005 7:26 pm

Post by xtheagonyscenex »

you need to adjust the light it might be to close or to big so i would scale it down using

just like a mesh and it might blackout then you know its just the light
also could i see the snippet of code for the light? :?:
"Held in Your arms but too far from my heart." "These thoughts will carry me through the darkest nights...while your eyes rest in mine."
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Post by gavicus »

ILightSceneNode* light = 0;
float radius = 100.0f;
light = smgr->addLightSceneNode( 0,core::vector3df(worldScale*1.2,0,0),video::SColorf(1,1,1,1),radius);
float ltScale = 1.0;

I've used 1.0f to 1000.0f for radius and 1.0 to 100.0 for ltScale. I've even commented out the light entirely, and in any case, all my objects are full bright.
Posts: 131
Joined: Fri Jun 03, 2005 7:26 pm

Post by xtheagonyscenex »

your light radius is 100.0 float thats too big scale it to maybe 20 you should see a difference
"Held in Your arms but too far from my heart." "These thoughts will carry me through the darkest nights...while your eyes rest in mine."
"How quickly I forget that this is meaningless."
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