Developing addon

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Joined: Tue Oct 31, 2006 5:07 pm

Developing addon

Post by slaaitjuh »

I was just setting my first foot in with Irrlicht and was trying to make a little addon to the system, but i got stuck already. I was trying to make a bsp entity loader (or at least try to, just for learning) but cannot get to the following functions:

file = fsystem->createAndOpenFile(filename);

(c++ code)

i am doing as followed:

Code: Select all

Imports Irrlicht.IO

    Namespace addon

        Class CBspFileEntityReader

            'Dim fileSystem As Irrlicht.IO.IFileSystem
        Dim fileSystem As Irrlicht.IO.IFileSystem
        Dim file As Irrlicht.IO.IFileSystem

        Public Sub New(ByVal fSystem As Irrlicht.IO.IFileSystem)

            fileSystem = fSystem

        End Sub

        Public Sub loadFile(ByVal filename As String)

        End Sub
    End Class

End Namespace
now in my main app i do the following:

Code: Select all

        gDevice = New IrrlichtDevice(Irrlicht.Video.DriverType.DIRECT3D9, New Dimension2D(1024, 768), 32, False, True, Nothing, True, Nothing)

        Dim BSPentity As New addon.CBspFileEntityReader(gDevice.FileSystem)

after that i call load('test') which should of course be a q3bsp

i just cannot get to those functions,
anyone who can help me?

ps. I will start in C# soon when i start a project for real, right now i am just fooling around and VB.NET is easier for me cause i learned it when i was young, but C# is fine as well. just slower for me to program in :)

Kind regards,
