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Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 8:38 am
by hybrid
I think the forum will get a better boost with lots of fruitful discussions, not from banning people. Whatever real reasons the mods had to change this (probably just threatening me to register :cry: ) the problematic things are definitely not solved. It eased some symptoms but it definitely did not solve the problems:
Most criticized discussions in the past were amongst reistered (or at least active) users which probably don't fear to be banned. Most if not all spammers had registered before. And noobs asking for tutorials will now leave for some other engine while better information would have helped lots more.

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 7:06 pm
by vermeer
There have been times when this forum got real bombing of spam through guest accounts. And from the long time I'm in this comunity, many guests do feel more in the mood of going to wars when they are guests than when they aren't. It does not disturb me, but count on many valued helpers do go away bored of so much guest fights...

The regsitered users can of course also be so dumb, but well, the whole proccess for someone just bored is longer, and someway becomes more evident the sillyness of his acts...And in some cases, they start to be practical at last... What I have seen in other forums is that it improves the situation. Of course, perfection does not exist. Not everybody is clever. What can we do about that...

I am sure many members went awayy in the past as, busy people -happens to me at least- wont spend time that actually means money in a forum where you needda dig among loads of spam, or useless fights, to find some technical info or advice...

I've helped allways here <*a lot, imho*> in my specific field, which is not programming, and not only in threads, but a lot by PMs...

Well, I can tell u I have been away long times just for getting bored of that situation...While when u see a cleaner forum, with less noise, you tend to help more, even if is a no-win situation for me.Sure happens also for many here.

One of the things this forums is yet interesting for me (not that it isnt, but in a lot of comercial related stuff, and usually no time available, that's why) is the contribution of the type you make.

So I received as a great new for this forums that u registered ;)

I'm absolutely all about freedom (you'd be amazed about my political ideas, but I never share them in forums) but I have learnt with the years that the real freedom is respecting other's freedom(rare thing in this society, but it must be the starting point of all and everything), be respected by others, and respect your own self (which includes using well your energies and no wrecking all around as an useless (and damaging)sport)...

And definitely, for an uncomplete concept of freedom (in which name, one person can wreck others's situation) one must not leave someone destroying interesting conversations just for fun. You would not allow someone do that in the street ;)

But I understand, I think, the main point you make. I just think there's allways an average point, and some conventions are ok to be had.(yup, usually societies tend to use the rules to dominate the others. But also true, that some other rules are the only ones to stop them(the powerful and rich) in many cases...)

I'll stop talking now, I'll end up talking about philosophy or politics... ;)

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 7:08 pm
by vermeer
Hybrid, and how far it is the real reason of it all of forcing you to get to be registered :D ;) . If I saw it well, I guess the reason is very different, and is a sum of things, taken in account during years...

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 7:29 pm
by afecelis
Guys, we sure hope you understand the decision we made was a consequence of more than 6 months of continuous spamming and trolling by guests; Not to mention almost a full collapse of the forums and registered users leaving because of repetitive posts by non-registered users. Now, I'm also registered in more than a dozen other forums-communities, some of which only allow you to post if you're registered and I found no problem in doing so. I still could dig in them as guest but whenever I wanted to say something I had to register. This is great I think, cause this way only people with serious intentions to post or start a topic will express their ideas. Same thing happens in Irrlicht. People will still be able to check the posts, use the search function, etc etc etc. But now if they just want to piss someone off just for the sake of ruining his day they'll have to be registered to be able to do it, and this means you'll need to have guts to show who you are. It's also a wonderful filter for anarchy-kiddies trolling around just wanting to grab the attention they don't get at home. So I don't see what the big deal is here. The internet is full of forums that require you to register, so why can't Irrlicht do the same? I'm sure trolls will think it twice before starting a snowball just because of the time it would take them to register. These creatures would rather take the easy way and remain anonymous.
I think serious Irrlichters will remain loyal to Irrlicht no matter the rules. Serious Irrlichters don't go around insulting or bragging or spamming or trolling.
SEMPER FI! :wink:

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 6:30 am
by Eternl Knight
Well, Afecelis has summed it up nicely for me.

The way I see it - serious users will not have a problem with spending five minutes registering themselves to post. I mean, five minutes is not a major inconveniance and it's not like you can't get an anonymous Yahoo! account in the same amount of time!


Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 10:04 am
by gfxstyler
well said afecelis :)

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 3:56 am
by luckymutt
Indeed, well said.

Actually, I can't think of any decent forum where you don't need to register to post.

If anyone thinks this a bad idea, then compare it to a more serious community like
On those boards, not only do you have to register, but a Mod views your first 2 posts before they show up on the forum. After that you are free to post at will. That really keeps out spam and so forth, and keeps things feeling focused.

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 12:47 pm
by vermeer
In some very interesting forums, you need to register even to read threads.

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 10:06 pm
by Mikenoworth
I have read forum posts for .. Hm, three weeks now?? I never registered and it was good thing I didn't before now.. Why?

I'd run into a problem, then want a quick answer. So I'd jump into the forum wishing I could post the problem, instead, because I'm too lazy to register (my n00b skills are l33t), I kept searching. I actually would go through at least 10 topics, then finding an answer, or getting lost in a topic that seemed interesting, but off subject of my issue. Of course, I always found an answer, without having to post a single message.

On the other hand, some people do not want to dig through forums to get answers, they wanna know and they wanna know now. I did too. But, some people do not catch on to the patients and stamina you must have to not only solve a problem using info gained through forums, but also to code games, demos and what not - even with a vast knowledge of what you're doing. it takes time, patience, and dedication to what you're doing to get it done.

I see alot of people asking to compare libraries: 3D Engines, Audo libs, physics engines (BTW: Eternl Knight, I've seem your posts with Timmy the Troll :roll: isn't there an ignore/mute or something similar?) I would have too, if I had bothered to register to post. But, because I didn't, I read through many different engine forums, many with things I wanted like networking, sound, and so on. But I downloaded the engines I found promising. Some where outrageously hyped, and some were just lacking, or too complex for my l33t n00b skillz.

The point is, I did it myself. I found out what I could use, what works for me. This is what is tearing down communities, the lack of self-confidence in making worthwhile decisions. But I'll let you know now, downloading some sdk doesn't mean you're marrying it for life, you can ALWAYS drop it and find another one.

I mostly just want the new guys to know, I'm there with you. But you must do it for yourself - These guys WILL help you, but you must put forth the effort to teach yourself right from wrong and to use your opinion - because ultimately you will settle on your own opinion anyway.

Just take it easy. Honestly search and read every post. I know, it takes time, it's crappy - I hate it too. But you will get into it, and learn to enjoy it, because it is good for you. It's not like a microwaved happy meal for $4 of hormone injected beef - This is knowledge that will gain you movement through your field of study.

I wont say Irrlicht is the greatest engine myself, but have I seen one (or more specific, used one) that is more worth my time? Hell no.

My only hope is I can find libs to compliment Irrlicht (sound..) that are as understandable as Irrlicht. (Please, do not tell me about any sound libs, I am looking for myself.)

Again, once more, new guys need to know to be patient and search search search search search, and when they can't find the answer, search again - you will find it. I promise you.

Having guest accounts off helped me to get off my duff and actually look for answers. Now I know I am serious about what I'm doing. It was a good idea to take them off, from a n00b point of view, so kudos.

Gah, see. All I came here to do was read about Newton and now I'm posting a novel about guest users and my history with forums/learning.
Lousy forums, always pulling me in and making me forget why I'm here. :mrgreen:

I love the engine btw.

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 10:15 pm
by afecelis
amen Mikenoworth! :D

Thanks for your opinion and welcome as a registered user. I just wish many of our users had your spirit and took the time to find what they need instead of starting to complain without even searching.

now I dub thee: "Mikeworthalot" :wink:

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 6:02 pm
by RustyNail
8) Remember, no offense intended

Mikenoworth - you should be a phillospher, good thoughts, easily accesible to the common n00b... I usually go the same way, but after 2-3 weeks of finding nothing you do get really bored with the countless, worthless posts & sites... I am registered on over (not for sure, just my guess) 20 fourms just because I got really tired of searching and searching, consuming tons of ice cream and still searching, registered and asked the question... My only serious problem is that I get bored after a while of no success. Mikenoworth: you should write a book entitled: Proper Internet & Forum Ideals and Behavior

thank you, all for your time and flaming, :twisted:


(and I usually go by 'KitchenKnif' but here the send-new-password thing does not work, so I had to create a new account, :cry: )

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 10:13 pm
by Acki
Yeah, this was a good idea !!! :)
But as you can see the spamers now creating accounts to spam the forum... :evil:

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 5:50 am
by Frobozz
Took them long enough to start creating accounts to spam with. Looks like it is time to implement a Captcha. Might I recommend the KittenAuth system. 8)