Thanks !
Have you got a tutorial to create this kind animation ?
I use milkshape3d but i have some problem to have a good animation.
My manipulations :
Converting a half-life model to ms3d model :
[Tools][Half_life][Decompile Normal HL MDL File] (select my file)
Importing msd file :
[File][Import][Halfl-life SMD] (select my smd file)
Importing msd animation file:
[File][Import][Halfl-life SMD] (select my smd animation file) "Walk.smd" by example
Saving by [File][Save] to abtain a ms3d model.
But when i want to use it with the engine, the model looks stange !
Ms3d and MD2
oka, here is what setFrameLoop() settings I had to use for a 31 frame animation, this will loop from frame 1 -31'ish....
It seems as if something is not quite right...
Niko, is this hmm...errr undocumented feature supposed to be there, or is it something screwy with the MS3D files ???
Code: Select all
Niko, is this hmm...errr undocumented feature supposed to be there, or is it something screwy with the MS3D files ???
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