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Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 4:13 pm
by Dorth
Also, express offers no optimization, so keep that in mind :)

Mirrors and MSVC

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 8:04 pm
by init512
Sorry for all the bumps to the thread :)

So far, I can't get Wine to install PSDK or MSVC 2008 (tried both), but I think I will set up a virtual machine to do all the installation work.

I have moved around the components of the build system, allowing very easy mirroring. If you want to become a mirror, you must simply create a directory in your webspace for the builds, so they will be accessible from . You must have shell access for this, and if you are not sure how the layout works, maybe it is better you don't mirror.

1. Log in to your server (shell access), and create a file called update_mirror. This shell script will be run once every 24 hours, and will grab new packaged builds if they are available.

Code: Select all

# Change the next line to point to the location of the folder from which builds can be downloaded
cd /absolute/path/to/htdocs/irrbuild
 wget -S --timestamping{7z,zip,7z.sig,zip.sig}
 wget -S --timestamping{7z,zip,7z.sig,zip.sig}
 wget -S --timestamping{7z,zip,7z.sig,zip.sig}
 wget -S --timestamping{7z,zip,7z.sig,zip.sig}
 wget -S --timestamping{7z,zip,7z.sig,zip.sig}
You should then run a 'chmod 750 update_mirror' to make the script executable. Next, add the following line to your crontab (usually done with 'crontab -e'):

Code: Select all

0 6 * * * /path/to/update_mirror
You may want to change the 6 to another hour of the day to balance load on my server. Finally, just email me the address of the irrbuild folder ( Mirrors are selected randomly from a list by the download interface at

I am currently working on MSVC builds and finding a more usable DirectX SDK. There will be new builds after this. Thanks again for all the support!

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 11:35 pm
by BlindSide
Use these for the PSDK and DXLIB, they don't have an installer you just unzip them: and ... 86.tar.bz2 (They are also very small because they have been stripped of all unnecessary examples, documentation etc and only include the libs and headers.)

I hope there will be MSVC and Linux AMD64 support soon! :D

Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 12:20 am
by Halifax
Dorth wrote:Also, express offers no optimization, so keep that in mind :)
What do you mean by that? It allows you to set optimization flags for your code? I'm just curious, seriously, how doesn't it optimize, does it disregard those flags?

Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 2:05 am
by bitplane
Nice work, thanks for this :)

I've set up a job on rooly's shell to do daily uploads to Rambus' dump for the chat room. Output will be here-

Not sure if it will preserve timestamps as I'm using ftp to do the upload (wput isn't working)

Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 6:08 am
by Dorth
There is a whole panel of optimization that is available in other visual studio version that isn't in the express. Don't know if you can trick the compiler into using them though...

Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 8:51 am
by rogerborg
Express 2005/2008 don't provide profiling support, but I wasn't aware that they don't perform the same optimisations as the full fat version. Can you give any examples of what optimisations they don't support?

Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 2:37 pm
by Dorth ... 49003.aspx

I am unsure of what I said, but it seemed I read it. Anyway, they don't mention optimization settings, but they do mention express have simplified options. Might be that you can customize through the command line though...

One Last Thing

Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 7:37 pm
by init512
OK, I have fixed the issue with the DirectX SDK (thanks to BlindSide), and the build system is back online. The executables are also smaller (silly GCC), and you should expect MSVC builds once I get a copy of Windows working somewhere so I can extract cl, link, and msbuild from the latest VS Express (I tried this on a virtual machine, with no success).

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 7:27 am
by CuteAlien
I just noticed that your website reloads every 5 seconds when it's open in my browser. Not sure what's it doing there, but that sounds like you might waste some bandwidth.

Working on it again

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 9:08 pm
by init512
CuteAlien, I have replaced the constant page refreshes with a nice AJAX script. I am using the MinGW 3.4.5 compiler, as 4.1.2 could not deal with the DirectX 9 SDK. The builds have been tested on Windows and Linux with a horrible graphics card, but I think more testing would be a good idea (any volunteers? :D ). I hope this service is useful to you.

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 10:07 pm
by Mirror
i personally don't use it but indeed it is very useful for some people. thank you. maybe we should put a link of the nightly builds page in the beginners section so that those who are afraid of recompiling irrlicht can just download the binary

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 10:09 pm
by jddevnet
This is definitely helpful! Thanks for putting it together. :D

Not working

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 2:48 pm
by 3DModelerMan
The nightly builds aren't working. The server seems to be down.