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Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 2:47 pm
by gopakumator1
I have AGP 8x...

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 11:25 pm
by niblick
i haven't read this thread all the way through because i'm a little FOOK-ED so bear with me.

don't get a funking 6 series!!!!!!!
a 7 series is an improved 6 series with better graphical support and better power/heat performance. would be better off forking out a little extra for a gt rather than whatever 6 you want. plus, get a good new psu. a good system is a well fed system - give it all the juice it wants which means a good 400+watt psu - not just any cheapo 400watt psu. it will pay off in the long run.

i don't want to seem like a cunny. i dunno how much a 6 series runs these days but i presume a 7 series will set you back a fair bit more. i'm just trying to point out in my own rambling way that the 6 series gpu (forget manufacture name) is very flawwed when compared with the 7 series :) i.e. you'd be better off holding off for a while rather than getting a 6 series in my opinion.
hell. if i hadn't got a gtx i'd be holding off until i see what effects the new architecture in the ati whatever-they-call-the-new-ones has on future software - i can see areas it could have a great advantage.

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 6:12 am
by jam
I have no problems with mine 8)