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Post by area51 »

IrrWizard? 0.14.3 - Trigger Edition released!

This represents a minor release, below are the changes of note:

Added 'Sample FPS Template' option to wizard
- Added Persue and Evade States
- Added skybox
- Added Player death sequence
- Added Health, Ammo and Key pickups
Added basic Trigger system to framework
Created CGameItem and CGameItemManager as part of framework.

A demo of the 'First Person Shooter' template in action can also be found on the site. See sig for link

..good luck.
Suzuki vx 800 specifications
Last edited by area51 on Thu Feb 24, 2011 11:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
lordnaikon (logoff)

Post by lordnaikon (logoff) »

cool if i am at home ill try it out ... if the release does what it says it's really great work and awesome project! .... if i had the time i would support you.
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Post by area51 »

Many thanks for your offer of support, and comments. Much appreciated.

Doing 'door's' at the moment, does anyone have any cool looking animated doors they dont want (Quake 4 style doors would be nice :D ).
General Insurance Advice
Last edited by area51 on Thu Feb 24, 2011 11:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post by Guest »

How do you get the images, like in Dungeon Tech at such a good quality, I mean, even images that are power of 2 have bad quality for me... And I use .bmp also...

Post by Guest »

what do you use... GIMP, if so, what process do you go through to get such good quality images to show in irrlicht??? I loaded an image you used from dungeon tech in irrlicht and everything loaded fine. Good quality and everything, then I loaded a pic I did in gimp and saved it as a .bmp. Bad quality.... I didn't make any mistakes in the code I know for a fact its something about what you did to the image. HOW HOW HOW?
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Location: Texas, USA

Post by jclins »

Excellent idea. But for some reason, I'm getting several gray box for graphics and a slew of warnings from VS 2005 (I'll only list some of them):

Code: Select all

Warning	1	warning C4244: 'argument' : conversion from 'int' to 'irr::f32', possible loss of data	d:\irrwizard\projects\test\myproject\gamestatelevel01.cpp	199


Warning	39	warning C4244: 'argument' : conversion from 'int' to 'irr::f32', possible loss of data	d:\irrwizard\projects\test\myproject\gamestatelevel01.cpp	237

Warning	40	warning C4996: '_snwprintf' was declared deprecated	d:\irrwizard\projects\test\myproject\gameplaystate.cpp	252
Warning	41	warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch	d:\irrwizard\projects\test\myproject\gamepathmanager.cpp	57
Warning	42	warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch	d:\irrwizard\projects\test\myproject\gamepathmanager.cpp	90
Warning	43	warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch	d:\irrwizard\projects\test\myproject\gamepathmanager.cpp	116
Warning	44	warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch	d:\irrwizard\projects\test\myproject\gamepathmanager.cpp	125
Warning	45	warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch	d:\irrwizard\projects\test\myproject\gamepathmanager.cpp	142
Warning	46	warning C4244: '=' : conversion from 'irr::f64' to 'int', possible loss of data	d:\irrwizard\projects\test\myproject\gamepathmanager.cpp	144
Warning	47	warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch	d:\irrwizard\projects\test\myproject\gamepathmanager.cpp	162
Warning	48	warning C4244: '=' : conversion from 'irr::f64' to 'int', possible loss of data	d:\irrwizard\projects\test\myproject\gamepathmanager.cpp	164
Warning	49	warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch	d:\irrwizard\projects\test\myproject\gameitemmanager.cpp	40
Warning	50	warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch	d:\irrwizard\projects\test\myproject\gameitemmanager.cpp	83
Warning	51	warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch	d:\irrwizard\projects\test\myproject\gameenemymanager.cpp	36
Warning	52	warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch	d:\irrwizard\projects\test\myproject\gameenemymanager.cpp	65
Warning	53	warning C4700: uninitialized local variable 'y' used	d:\irrwizard\projects\test\myproject\gamepathmanager.cpp	101
Warning	54	warning C4700: uninitialized local variable 'x' used	d:\irrwizard\projects\test\myproject\gamepathmanager.cpp	101
Warning	55	warning C4715: 'CGamePathManager::getWaypointAt' : not all control paths return a value	d:\irrwizard\projects\test\myproject\gamepathmanager.cpp	120
Warning	56	warning LNK4075: ignoring '/EDITANDCONTINUE' due to '/INCREMENTAL:NO' specification	Game.obj

Any idea? I'll try this with codeblocks using mingw compiler to see if it makes a difference.
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Location: Texas, USA

Post by jclins »

Okay, just tried the same thing with codeblocks 1.0 RC 2 using gcc and got 2 error messages!

Code: Select all

GamePlayState.cpp: In member function `void CGamePlayState::displayIcons(CGameManager*)':
GamePlayState.cpp:252: error: invalid conversion from `int' to `const wchar_t*'
GamePlayState.cpp:252: error:   initializing argument 2 of `int swprintf(wchar_t*, const wchar_t*, ...)'
Process terminated with status 1 (0 minutes, 10 seconds)
2 errors, 15 warnings
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Post by area51 »

Im not too sure what is going wrong with your images as it seems you're doing thing correct programaticly if the 'Dungeon Tech' images displayed ok using your code.

Just make sure they are really to the power of 2, which you say they are. (ie 800x600 is bad, 1024x768 is bad, 512x512 is good etc...).
Btw I also use 'The Gimp' with default settings and just about any format without any problems. Sorry Im not that usefull :(

At the moment it does produce warnings(although compiles OK), I will get those sorted for next release. The gray boxes are because for some reason it hasn't copied the into the project's 'media' folder. You can transfer that by hand if you like.

The compiler errors you have with Code::blocks can be corrected by removing the second parameter for swprintf:


Code: Select all

   swprintf(m_tmp2, 9, L"%d", pManager->getPlayer()->getLives());

Code: Select all

   swprintf(m_tmp2, L"%d", pManager->getPlayer()->getLives());

It's the buffer overflow protection, gcc/mingw does'nt have it, Microsoft does.

Hope this helps
Last edited by area51 on Thu Feb 24, 2011 11:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Location: Texas, USA

Post by jclins »

area51 -- Thanks for the reply. I'll try again and post the result. Is there any way to setup a directory structure for the files produced by irrWizard? Instead of dumping all the .h and .cpp files into the based project folder, maybe sort them into sub-folders?

For someone new to using irrWizard, it can be a bit overwhelming to see all those files. Here's some suggestion for sub-folder names:


Something like that, but I wouldn't go too deep with sub-folders within sub-folders. That could get annoying trying to navigate or just view the source code. Some of the above suggestion may overlap each other (I haven't looked at the irrWizard code long enough yet to lay out a sensible directory structure).

As far as media goes, I think putting the graphics and sounds into one large file makes everything load faster (I read somewhere that for small projects it's okay to have many files but for large ones it's better to have less) -- it looks like you've done that with ""

Anyway, great work. I did try the irrWizard demo out. It works great. I did notice some parts of the dungeon in the demo level had no collision detection. I fell through the floor several times. :) Also, if you move against the wall, your pistol is clipped/goes right through the wall. Finally, the options menu when clicked on doesn't bring up an options screen.

This is an excellent tool. I used the Irrlicht ICE framework a while back (cica irrlicht 0.9 and older). Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be updated anymore. :(
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Post by area51 »

Adding folders as suggested is a very good idea. I think you're right as the code base has increased to a point where it would make things easier.

Thank you for your suggestions and taking time to examine the project.
American dad! forum
Last edited by area51 on Thu Feb 24, 2011 11:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post by Guest »

hey area51.
I have been folowing your irrwizzard for quite some time, and may i finally say what a great job you have done, i am at the moment in the process of creating a RPG, and have done all basic setup, i have downloaded your RPG that you are making, and i am having trouble setting up the inventory, i have all states workn and it all shows up, but the trouble that i have is that I want the mouse not to affect the camera whilst the inventory is up, like have the mouse that can move around and stuff.
If you could plz teach me to how this can be done, i would be very thankfull.

thankz and keep up the good work.
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Post by LordNaikon »

i havn't worked with irrlicht for a long time ... but you can try this .. i have found that function in the api documentation

Code: Select all

virtual void irr::scene::ICameraSceneNode::setInputReceiverEnabled  	(   	bool   	 enabled  	 )   	 [pure virtual]

Disables or enables the camera to get key or mouse inputs.

If this is set to true, the camera will respond to key inputs otherwise not. 
mayby you could set this to false when you open up the inventory.. i have't time to try this .. but i think this could be the solution.
q|^.^|p beeing every time friendly to everyone
sys: 2500+Barton 512MB 6600GT WinXP

Post by Guest »

...yes, that is a good solution.
Also you will have to keep track of the camera rotation, as when you leave mouse mode, the camera would have moved around, and therefore appear to jump.

Code: Select all

//! Toggles Mouse mode, enable the mouse cursor and disable camera
void CPlayState::ToggleMouseMode(CGameManager* pManager)
	if (m_bMouseMode) {
		m_CameraRotation = pManager->getSceneManager()->getActiveCamera()->getRotation();
		m_MouseOrigin = pManager->getDevice()->getCursorControl()->getPosition();
		m_bMouseMode = false;

	} else
      m_bMouseMode = true;
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Post by area51 »

... forgot to log in, sorry :oops:
Last edited by area51 on Thu Feb 24, 2011 11:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by hubel »

It is possible to use levels, createt whith irrsed, in this framework?
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