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Using a different coord system

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 4:35 pm
by ElJoelio

I spent a few years working with the Unreal Tournament engine and as such its coordinate system has become very dear to me. It uses a RH system with the in-game camera having X being forward, Y being left and Z being up (see first pic). This is different to the default system Irrlicht uses, which is a LH system with X being forward, Z being left and Y being up (see second pic). I'd like to know if it's possible to set up my scene using the UT coord system.

This is how Irrlicht is at the moment:


...and this is how I want it to be:


I've looked at the ICameraSceneNode interface and see there's no way to set the View transform, so I'm guessing I'll need to create a custom ICameraSceneNode implementation and set the View transform so it rearranges the coords as I want. Or is there an easier way that I've overlooked?



Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 9:42 pm
by Acki
Right, 3DSMax also uses another system (maybe the same as UT?) !!!
It would be great, if you'll be able to change it in Irrlicht !!! :D

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 3:15 pm
by keithwei
I also meet the same coordinate problem!how to made camera having X being forward, Y being left and Z being up (see 2rd pic)?How coding?is anyone help me?thanks
and more I use ICameraSceneNodeMaya and setupvector(0,0,1),but no change,i don't know why?Use ICameraSceneNode it a bug?