irrlicht futur plan question to niko

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irrlicht futur plan question to niko

Post by bappy »

hi all, i have ask some question to niko about the futur of irrlicht, here is the answer:

do you plan to:
> 1: have a format loader that is working at 100%.
yep, the .x file loader is supposed to do this.

> 2: for this format, having multiple textue by mesh.
currently .bsp and .3ds files support this. And also .x will.

> 3: have more material
There will be more in 0.5, but not for animating texture coords.

> 4: use more texture unit(multitexturing)
> -so we can set wich texture for which unit and which
> operation between each unit
currently not planned. We currently only support 2 units, but I've plans for more.

> 5: bumpmapping?
Will come, but not in 0.5

> 6: per pixel light?

> 7: vertex and pixel shader?
sure, is planned.

> last question about the light:
> i have seen your using the opengl and directx
> light, so we can t having more than 8 light in one frame , is it true??

right. But you can set more lights, and the engine is trying to select the best lights for every frame.

so i hope this will help men who don t know about the futur...
tx niko
Sans danger, pas de gloire...
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