questions about Q3 BSP support/features

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questions about Q3 BSP support/features

Post by damocles »

When loading a Q3 bsp into irrlicht, does it also read in the entity data, or is this ignored?

When checking for collisions between non rendered BSP brushes (EG trigger brushes) are they included as part of the BSP collision or would they have to be manually added to the collision checklists?

Is there any built in support for moving brushes? (EG doors, elevators, etc)
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Joined: Sat Aug 23, 2003 2:03 am
Location: Pottstown, PA

Post by Robomaniac »

Not currently, but someone was working on a bsp loader that loaded some basic entities, and is working on some more. Theres a thread in the project announcements forum i think.
The Robomaniac
Project Head / Lead Programmer
Centaur Force
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