IrrLicht's fast containers

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IrrLicht's fast containers

Post by SwiftCoder »

I saturation tested IrrLicht's equivalents to the STL containers, with these interesting results:

list: 50% faster than std::list on most operations, never less than 25% faster.
array: 10% slower than std::vector on most operations, but 30% slower on resizing.
string: not quite as fast as std::string, especially on creation, but overall not noticeably slower.

Anyway, IrrLicht's list is pretty fast!
(this was on GCC 3.3 with optimisation on full).
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Post by saigumi »

Interesting. If irrlichts array is just slightly slower than an std::list, then if I got the diagrams from "Effective C++" right, an Irrlicht::array would be about 40% faster than a std:array.
Crud, how do I do this again?
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Post by thesmileman »

Are Irrlicht lists circularly and doubly linked list? If they are not and implemented simularly to STL that would make them about 50% faster on many test.
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Post by niko »

Ah, very interesting. I think this means I'll have to optimize the array a little bit. I think it would help a lot by modifying its resizing strategy. Lets see :)
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