GUI question

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GUI question

Post by Coolkat »

hey.. i doubt this is possible.. but i think it would be really neat if it was... if for the background of a GUI.. instead of just allowing BMPs.. you could allow a model. for example.. you have a model of a water fall and hills.. you could set up that as your background and the windows and buttons of the GUI go infront of that.. then you could have the model do an animation or something.. i don't know if you could maybe fake this by setting up a model and a GUI at the same time and write the GUI over the model.. but if you CAN do this.. how would you do it?
IcePump Gaming
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Post by rincewind »

you can render your 3d-scene with ISceneManager::drawAll(),
and after that your gui-stuff with IGUIEnvironment::drawAll().
Then your windows and so on will be on top of the 3d-scene.

I hope, that helps.

greetings, rincewind
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Post by Coolkat »

so im guessing it matters the order in which you do ::drawall()...

thanks a lot.

hey.. here is another question. you know when you first popin a CD how the autorun program runs a startup program.. and for some programs (like Warcraft , 3D Studio Max , Photoshop) have a banner type image pop up in the center of the screen that stays there while the program loads.. i was wondering how you could make that in IrrEng, i was thinking you could do that with a window but how do you get the window to have no title bar or window border around it? i know how to do this in GTK+.. but i wanted to try and do this with IrrEng. any ideas?

IcePump Gaming
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Post by Midnight »

I think he is confusing splash screens and minimaps lol

when a program loads with a "banner" type window it's called a splash screen.

the only thing like that in GTK would be a minmap for the loading screen or some crap.

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Post by thesmileman »

just make a splash screen application that lauches Irrlicht. The splash screen code does not have to have anything to do with irrlicht just that it launches your program.
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Post by Midnight »


only 1 problem on my end..I can code some things in Irrlicht..can't do much else in the coding department yet.
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