Once I loaded two .x file with the same name, the getMesh only returns the same IAnimatedMesh* pointer. I created two difference IAnimatedSceneNode to controll this model, but they has same animation.
I want to have the IAnimatedMeshX cloned. What shall I do?
scene::IAnimatedMesh* m = Device->getSceneManager()->getMesh(filename);
if (!m)
// model could not be loaded
// set default material properties
Model1 = Device->getSceneManager()->addAnimatedMeshSceneNode(m);
Model2 = Device->getSceneManager()->addAnimatedMeshSceneNode(m);
I want model1 and model2 have them own action but the same mesh file.
((IAnimatedMeshX*)m)->setCurrentAnimation("walk"); can set the x model animation, but this lead model1 and model2 has the same action.
I want to have it cloned.
who knows?
How can I clone a IAnimatedMeshX?
Hmm, that is very strange. I have a loop that adds the same file ( a map tile ) 40x40 times. I didn't do anything different to what you have done there. Are you sure it returned the same pointer on both instances? Have you tried moving one and it moves the other as well?
Here's the code I used:
Here's the code I used:
Code: Select all
for (int mapCntX = 0; mapCntX < 40; mapCntX++)
for (int mapCntY = 0; mapCntY < 40; mapCntY++)
levels[id]->Map[mapCntX][mapCntY] = new MapTile;
levels[id]->Map[mapCntX][mapCntY]->Pointer = smgr->addAnimatedMeshSceneNode(smgr->getMesh("../Game Data/meshes/tile.3DS"));
levels[id]->Map[mapCntX][mapCntY]->Pointer->setPosition(core::vector3df(mapCntX, 0, mapCntY ));
levels[id]->Map[mapCntX][mapCntY]->passable = true;
getSubMaterial(levels[id]->Map[mapCntX][mapCntY]->Pointer, 1, levels[id]);
This problem only occurred at IAnimatedMeshX. Because the rest of Mesh Interface such as MD2 or some other model can use scene node to control their action, but the IAnimatedMeshX can't, it only use
((IAnimatedMeshX*)m)->setCurrentAnimation("walk"); to set its AnimationSet. If you load a .x file(Skeleton animation included) twice, there will be two mesh on your screen, but the same acion. and you setCurrentAnimation("walk"); the two then walk, and you setCurrentAnimation("Run"); the two mesh then run in the same way.
((IAnimatedMeshX*)m)->setCurrentAnimation("walk"); to set its AnimationSet. If you load a .x file(Skeleton animation included) twice, there will be two mesh on your screen, but the same acion. and you setCurrentAnimation("walk"); the two then walk, and you setCurrentAnimation("Run"); the two mesh then run in the same way.