I'm an adventure game nut and I want to develop one using Irrlicht. It's not going to be that fancy or anything so it shouldn't be too bad. I started with the collision example and have been working on an interface. When something is lined up with the ray, the name of the object or actor will appear at the top of the screen. When you get a close enough a gear will appear:
If you left click, then the gui comes up for dialog and inventory. I'm going to use buttons for inventory but haven't done that yet:
Pretty small start I know, but it won't be that complicated anyway. Once I get a framework set up I'll start modeling a small game in Blender.
That fairy model is a bit silly, don't bother modelling an entire game in Blender, you will get caught up juggling that with coding, and probably never get around to producing a finished product. Try TurboSquid for some nice free models.
Is this gonna be first person or 3rd person? Zelda style? How about a demo?
I like the interaction system you have set up, sounds real nifty.
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It's going to be first person because I don't want to juggle camera positions etc. I do quite a bit of modeling so I should be able to manage both. I wrote and modeled a game called Handyman Wanted, but it didn't have any human models except some pre-made things. I didn't program it, though. The trouble is that most of the character modeling I do is cartoony so I don't know how that will work in first person.
Started the inventory system. I also upgraded to 1.4. I decided how I'm going to do individual information for each actor or object. I'm going to have 3 header files with questions, replies, and inventory that will just be huge switch case functions that index to the sceneNode index. Probably not the most elegant, but I figure I can put control code in there that way to do animations of the scene nodes at the right time.