I've added another blender tutorial: lightmap with radiosty.
>>Lightmap tutorial<<
>>Normalmap tutorial<<

Ah, great vi-wer. And at the risk of sounding lazy, do you happen to know where I could find a pre-built Mac Tiger version.vi-wer wrote:Here'sa good one for windows. It's an experimental build but it (probably) has everything there's available for blender. It's also the following build of the one I used for the tutorial.
Vi-wer, you are amazing! You are the type of Blender person that this community needs.vi-wer wrote:Good news. I've made another Blender tutorial.
This time it's a lightmap tutorial using Blenders Radiosity. Which lets you use lights of any form and not only point or spot. Of course the quality of the map is not bad too.
The link is in the first post.