Can't use SpecularColor properly

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Can't use SpecularColor properly

Post by raytaller »

It's horrible to fail on such a ridiculous problem.
I have 1 MeshSceneNode that has some material properties specified, including SpecularColor. It works.

Then, I draw some triangles with this code :

Code: Select all

	SMaterial mate;
	mate.SpecularColor = SColor(0x0);

		&gbverts[0], nverts,
		&gbindices[0],  ntris);

Guess what : the triangles have the same SpecularColor that my MeshSceneNode.
All the others flags and material properties are ok, except SpecularColor.
If I write :

Code: Select all

	SMaterial mate;
	mate.SpecularColor = SColor(0x0);
	mate.Wireframe = true;
	mate.DiffuseColor = SColor(0xff00ff00);
Please believe that they are displayed in wireframe, with the right diffuse color..... but the wrong specular color (ie : the MeshSceneNode specular color).

Does someone know what is wrong here ?
I'm using the 1.4 release
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Post by arras »

I did come across some similar problem (may be it was right the same one) when doing some tests. Unfortunately I did not payed too much attention to it back then so I do not have that code anymore. It was 1.4 too.
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Post by hybrid »

An important information would be the driver used...
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Post by raytaller »

Code: Select all

Irrlicht Engine version 1.4
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)
Using renderer: OpenGL 2.1.1
Quadro FX 360M/PCI/SSE2: NVIDIA Corporation
OpenGL driver version is 1.2 or better.
GLSL version: 1.3
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Location: Oldenburg(Oldb), Germany

Post by hybrid »

Ok, I guess it's a problem with the still not properly used specular color model in the opengl driver. I'll move this thread to bugs forum - I already filed a topic on my development todos month ago, but did not get to working on this issue, yet.
Maybe someone could tell me a proper way of enabling specular colors with and without the separate sepcular color extension. Maybe setting it to zero in the else case would help already?!
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Post by marcos »

I'm not a OpenGL specialist. But, as far as I know, to enable and disable the specular color extension you have to use glEnable and glDiable over GL_COLOR_SUM_EXT.

I think that changing GL_LIGHT_MODEL_COLOR_CONTROL_EXT should allow using specular color without the extension itself.

By the way. Wasn't the specular color extension already integrated into the OpenGL Core in version 1.2?
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