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2080: Space Colonization v0.0.3 Released

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2004 7:41 pm
by Tyn
Hey all

I've released the third tech demo today. You can get both the source and binary's as usual from the website as well as past releases. MSVC's optimiser has decided it wants to work with my code again so this release is actually much smaller than previous releases, despite having more content. It is really coming along now and I will be looking at a rudimentory AI system possibly next release, more likely the release after that ( depends how it goes ). Please take the time to test the binary out and post all problems in the Technical Support section in the 2080 forums, it will help me a lot to crush any bugs there may be in the software.

Have an explore of the map, there are 3 flares, one controllable character and one NPC, two buildings, one that has closed doors and one that has no doors with a few boxes scattered around. See if you can find them all ;)

If you feel like contributing then you are more than welcome. Even just providing some idea's for gameplay will be far more valuble than you may think, helping in any way you can would be a great help for me to progress in this project.

Here's the link:

Here's the feature list:


- Fog of War system implemented fully
- Update of XML Map loading system. now loads map from /Game Data/Maps/examplemap.XML
- Update of Material Sub-System: Now loading texture paths and ID's from XML files:
* deadplanet_mat.XML
* lushplanet_mat.XML
* uninhabitable_mat.XML
- Pathfinding Algorithm improved to produce paths
- Mesh buffer system implemented for movement along a path

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2004 2:39 am
by LoganGrimnar
My RFT only sopport resolutiont up to 1024x768, so the programm crashes on start :-(

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2004 3:08 am
by warui
Slowly getting shapes :) Nice going. I also just programmed simple path finding for my game.
BTW camera rotates a little bit when i move it horizontaly.

One more thing, you should really add rotation to camera to get full funcionality of 3d game world.

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2004 11:03 am
by Tyn
Yeah, the camera does strange things when you do a straight rotation to it. I think using matrix4 to do a rotation may solve the problem but I haven't really used that kind of thing before. I may have to nick one of my bro's programming books and find out a little more about it :)

BTW, I implemented a basic shoot function yesterday and probably will do some destructable terrain. It really is taking shape :)

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2004 6:16 pm
by Tyn
BTW camera rotates a little bit when i move it horizontaly.
I'm actually doing some experiments with this. It seems that the problem is the camera being rotated and then being moved diagonally. It looks as though the when the camera position is being moved, the camera target is lagging behind a little when that is moved. I don't know why this is.

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2004 1:42 pm
by knightoflight
Cool, your project looks very professional!

btw: you call it "turn based strategy", in my old broken english, i thought the name is "round based strategy", is "round based" wrong or is it allowed to use both names ?

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2004 2:43 pm
by LoganGrimnar
Could you please Compile a 1024x768 Exe? So i could try it too.
If i could compile the Src i would do it myself, but a file is not in the package, i think the name was "CPath.cpp/.h"
knightoflight wrote:Cool, your project looks very professional!

btw: you call it "turn based strategy", in my old broken english, i thought the name is "round based strategy", is "round based" wrong or is it allowed to use both names ?
"turn based strategy" heisst "Zug Basierende Strategie"
"round based strategy" heisst "Runden Basierende Strategie"
Ich nehme also mal an das beides das selbe is

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2004 4:43 pm
by Tyn
Yeah, it's the same thing. Each person gets a turn, or round, with a certain amount of time units and then ends the turn to let the next person play. Just like the old Laser Squad if you are old enough, X-Com if you are a little younger and Jagged Edge more recently. Quality system IMO, but when real time strategy became the "in" thing, everyone abandoned turn based games. There are many projects now trying to force the industry to produce more turn based games but even the original designers of Laser Squad and X-Com have gone for a splice in Laser Squad Nemesis ( good game, but not a candle to X-Com 1 IMO ).

Sorry about putting a restriction on the resolution for 1280x1024, I will release a 1024x768 version as soon as I can ( I am confident that it will be this week ). Switching the resolution will be a feature in 0.0.4. Does anyone have any problems if I put a cap at 1024x768? I'd rather not go any lower than that.


Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2004 2:39 am
by xhrit
>Does anyone have any problems if I put a cap at 1024x768? I'd rather not go any lower than that.

you forgot to upload the linux binary.

I tried the .exe with wine; it crasshed. i'm not sure if it was because ov the settings, or if you rely on microsoft code too much. anyway, I have an old low-res VDU. (to match my old slow PC!) and what is more, I like to play games at 640*480 in a window.esp. IGUG games.

1024x768 is needed so people with old hardware (like me) can play, but even lower res modes would be really nice.

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2004 7:32 pm
by Tyn
It uses DirectX9 so it won't be viewable in Linux. When the OpenGL stops messing with having blocks next to each other I will convert to OpenGL but as it stands I can't use it. Sorry about that.

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2004 11:00 pm
by xhrit
blaah. make it 'wine complient' and I can still play it. jedi academy is a win32 exe that uses directx9 and i can play it just fine on my linux box...

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2004 11:04 pm
by Tyn
Well, the Linux DLL doesn't have DirectX in it so I don't think you will be able to play it. That's an engine issue rather than an issue with my code. There's nothing in there apart from the DirectX driver that prevents Linux running it on my side of the code.

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2004 1:47 am
by xhrit

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2004 9:54 pm
by Tyn
Niko would be a better person to show than me, I don't know much about the engine on a driver level. I haven't got anywhere near enough experience or knowledge to know what has to be done to get that to work. It seems as though it is an emulator of Windows for Linux? That should mean that the windows version would work fine with this.

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2004 2:34 am
by Tyn
I've finished now. It isn't a huge update, hense the reason I'm just reposting in this topic, but it has a few features that should be useful and interesting. Firstly, you can now change resolution and switch between full screen and windowed mode on startup. There is also the additional feature of having the camera follow the player around the map.

There is also a basic shoot function that works when you click the left mouse button, it collides with objects in the map and is helping me work towards destructable terrain and maybe even some basic AI for the next release. I forgot to add that to the readme file in the download, I will sort it out for tomorrow. Thought I had added that in the previous release, lol. Both the binary and source versions are on my site ( click the sig ).

Well, enjoy :)